ISO/DIS 25862
11 *h6vef#cal drstance between the mkJ-ptane of the directional system magneto and ttw ^mbol heartnge centre of the compass suppiied;
b) bat wb the exception of the correcting devices (and where appropdato, certatn part* of the compaaa transmrssjon system), the binnacles and fittings are free from magnetic materiał;
c) wriien naturai wood is used for the exterior of the binnade it is seasoned tropi cal hardwood (for exampie, teak). Any other wood used in the binnade is to be seasoned hardwood, or marinę pły When • materiał other than wood is used, its properties are to be stated;
d) afl materiais used are of suffident strength;
e) the coerdvity of the conedor magnets;
f) that the materiał used for correcting induced fields has a high permeability, a Iow coercMty and a negfigible remanence;
g) where wooden parte are joined by an adhesive only, the type of adhesive used.
D.2.1 Construction and materiał D.2.1.1 Dimensions
In binnacles type A 1, the directional system magnets shall be at ieast 1 m from the underside of the binnade deck fittings.
D.2.1.2 Non-«nagnetic properties
As the manufacturers have given a guarantee dedaration, only sample checks are necessary.
D.2.2 Compass suspension D.2.2.1 Outer g im bal axis
The axis shall be in the binnade fore and aft linę within 0,5°.
D.2.2.2 Tilt of supporting device
The compass verge ring shall remain horizontal to within 2° when the binnade is tilted 40° in class A, 30° in cłass B in any direction, and the test results shall meet the requirement of 4.2.1.
Where there is no or negligible lateral play in the suspension, this can be tested by tilting the compass bowl, while the binnade remains horizontal and measuring the angle with a clinometer.
Should the compass be mounted in a flexible suspension or controlled by springs, then it is necessary to tilt the binnade and for the compass to remain horizontal. This measurement should be taken both with and without the azimuth reading device or other attachment (for example magnifier or fluxgate) in position.
D.2.2.3 Precautions against dislodging
The compass shall be secured against dislodging in any conditions of sea or weather. This securing shafl not impair the compass in the free movement within the limits of D.2.2.2.
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