

JSO/DIS 25862

U is emphastzed that these distances are minimum permiesibłe distances and ahouki proee saMadoty IH 1 of ship6. Spedal cases wiH, however, arise, where the messes of iron tn the yiamty gf the compesa are such that the compass does not work sattsfactorily and, in theae casae, the distances ahoutd otnaoaamI beinaeasad.

E.4.2 For steering compasses, the minimum distances mey be reduced to 65 % of thoee regured j the standard compass.

For steering compasses, the distance from the deck below the compass may be reduced to 1,0 m proyided the distance from the extremities of iron decks, bulkheads and girders is not less than 65 % of the distances reąuired for the standard compass.


C ISO 200S —    iWKWi


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