have to be constructed. It is fully realized that these projects have close connections with soil mechanics and foundation engineering which have madę remarkable progress in this country. I think it is unnecessary to draw your attention to the fact that Japan in generał has such physical characteristics as weak ground, excessive rainfall and frequent earthquakes. They often cause natural dis-asters such as landslides, washouts and lique-faction of the ground. How to prevent these disasters is now one of our most important and urgent problems. In this connection, we look forward to the further development of soil mechanics and foundation engineering so that our investigations for the causes of natural disasters and our remedial measures will become morę effective.
It is indeed significant to have this International Conference in Japan and to receive a number of experts from abroad with whom we can exchange opinions as well as scientific information, thus strengthening our mutual friendship. I hope this Conference will promote cooperation among nations as well.
In the middle of this hot summer, I sincerely hope that all the participants here will be healthy and be satisfied with the fruits of the conference. Finally, I express my wishes that I shall never be the second in looking forward to the brilliant futurę of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Thank you for your attention.
Mr. Y. Onouchi
At the end of the opening ceremony of the Ninth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, I would like to speak briefly on behalf of the Japanese Organizing Committee. This is the first time for the International Conference to be held in Asia. In spite of the long distances that many of you had to travel, you have gathered here from some 50 countries, representing almost all the member countries of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. As of July 10, the registrants of the Tokyo Conference totalled 1618 and the accompanying persons 334. The Organizing Committee greatly appreciates such enthusiastic participation.
We also consider it a great honor to have a large number of distinguished guests present at this opening ceremony, including President Kerizel and the other officers of the International Society; the representatives of various national societies; and the Minister of Construction and others from the Japanese Government. We are highly honored by your presence.
For the five days beginning today, this conference will bring forth four Main Sessions and 12 Specialty Sessions to discuss almost every phase of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The first and second volumes of the Proceedings were published in April; the number of papers submitted from all over the world totalled 239, in addition to which four state-of-the-art reports were included there-in. A number of papers have also been re-ceived by the Organizers of the Specialty Sessions and active discussions are expected in these sessions.
Special lectures are to be given by four eminent speakers including two former Presidents of the International Society, Professor Skempton and Professor Peck.
Special lectures on the theory and the prac-tice of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in Japan will be delivered, respec-tively, by Professor Mogami, the former Vice President of the Asian region and Dr. Fujii, the former President of the Japanese National Railways.
During the conference, you will have ample opportunities to visit some of the leading research institutes in this country and some interesting construction sites in the Tokyo area. In addition, a technical exhibit related to soil mechanics and foundation engineering will be held at the conference hall and technical films will be shown throughout the conference period.
For those accompanying participants, a Ladies Program has been organized to assist them to fully enjoy their visit to Japan.
At the reception this evening and Friday‘s dinner, we hope that both participants and accompanying persons together will enjoy meeting old friends and making new ones, to strengthen the international goodwill and mutual understanding.
In conclusion, it is our sincerest hope that this international gathering will contribute to the exchange of new knowledge and experi-ence from around the world and the fuęther development of soil mechanics and foundation engineering.
Professor T. Akagi
Ladies and Gentlemen, the latter half of the morning session consists of presentation of the Honorary Memberships of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering to the five distinguished con-tributors to the world of soil mechanics and foundation engineering to which in fact all of us here belong to, and also of a lecture entitled "State of Geotechnical Engineering in Japan" by Dr. Fukuoka, President of the Japanese Society of SMFE.
The Board of Direction as well as the Annual General Meeting of the JSSMFE held last May unanimously decided to elect the five recipi-ents as Honorary Members in appreciation of their great contributions. It gives me great pleasure as a member of the JSSMFE and a director on the Board of Direction to cali upon Dr. Fukuoka, President of the JSSMFE.