40 Mirosław Gerigk
be applied. It is preferred to use the second approach. For the risk assessment a risk analysis can be used. For example some elements of the Formal Safety Assessment can be implemented. This methodology has been introduced by IMO (International Maritime Organization). The proposed method is based on application of the holistic approach to safety of the objects (ships) where the influence of the design, operational, managerial and human factors on safety is taken into account. The holistic matrix type risk model is applied within the method and it enables to estimate the risk of not surviving taking into account the majority of all the possible scenarios. To make possible to apply the proposed method for assessment of safety of the damaged objects during a disaster at sea a procedurę for safety management of an object (ship) should be worked out. It is presented in the paper how to develop the current method to obtain such the procedurę. The risk management in the proposed method/procedure is based first of all on the risk assessment and risk management after that. The chosen methods of risk management have been proposed to apply. A proposal of the system of safety assessment of the ocean engineering objects and ships in damaged conditions during a catastrophe at sea is presented.
Keywords: risk assessment, safety management, ocean engineering object or ship in damaged conditions
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