

ISO/DIS 25862

The height of the correctors rełative to the directional element cen be cbecked by meeturtog the    of

the devioe centre from the inner gimbal axis and appłying the Information provided by the menufadurer. The resutshal meetthe requirementof5.1.24

D.2.4.4 Ftineters* bar

Vtfith a type A1 binnade, a Flinders' bar shall be provided whlch meets the requirements of 512.5 Wtfi type A2 binnades, a Ffinders’ ber, which meets the requirements of 522.5, may be provided.

D.    The Kne connecting the vertical axis of the Flinders’ bar to the compass centre shaM not devtale

morę than 2° frorn the direction of the fbre and aft gimbal axis.

D. The top end of the bar shall be 1/12 of its łength (with a tołerance of ± 10 mm) above the horizontal piane passing through the centre of the directional system magnets. If a hoilow Flinders' bar is used. the diameter of the hole shall not exceed 40 % of the diameter of the bar.

D.2.5 Corrector coils

D.2.5.1 Provision may be madę for the fitting of corrector coils to provide compensation? if the słśp is ftłed with degaussing coils.

D.2.6 lllumination

The binnade shall contain adequate provision for illuminating the card by means of the ship's electric suppły and frorn an emergency Hght source. In projector and reflector binnades. these shall provide a elear image at the helmsman's position. Devices shall be provided for dimming the illumination at both the helmsman’s position and the binnade.

D.2.6.1 Magnetic influence of lamps, plugs, sockets, switches, dimmers and wiring

The lamps, plugs, sockets, switches, dimmers and wiring, whether energized or not, shall have no percepbbie magnetic effect on the compass on any heading.

The examination can be carried out by trial and shall meet the requirements of 52.4.

D.2.6.2 Readability of reflector and projector compasses

In compasses of the reflector or projector type, the optical system shall be such that the image of the łubber marle and a sector of the card 15° on either side of the lubber marle shall allow a person with normal vision to read the card both in daylight and artificial light at a distance of 1 m frorn the periscope tubę.




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