throughout thc country otTer many opportunilics for camping or hunting. Hunters will find wild boar. dcer, harc and phcasant. Hikcrs can fteely walk through forests and across mcadows, evcn whcn (hey are privatc propcrty.
Poland’$ towns and cities contain valuablc architectural monuments. The Old Town of Kraków and Warszawa have becn listed as Class '0' monumenis by UNESCO (sitcs designatcd as conslituting part of mankind's cultural heritage). A furthcr class ’0’ monument is thc Salt Minę in Wieliczka (near Kraków) wilh underground chambcrs and statues carved in rock salt. Many smaller towns offer a unique experience as well. such as Zamość, Kazimierz Dolny, Książ or Opatów. In northem Poland many interesting monuments can be found in towns which in the 13-14th centuries belongcd to the Tcutonic Knights: the magnificent castlc in Malbork, or fortified cathedra! in Frombork. Other interesting monuments of the past include the municipal fortification in Paczków, and the park and pałace complexes ranging from Komik (near Poznali) in the west, through Wilanów in Warsaw, to Łańcut in the southeast.
Connoisseurs of modem art can visit a museum of socialist-realist art established in the pałace in Kozłówka near Lublin, the finał home of monuments of communist heroes which until recently stood in the market squares of many Polish towns.
Greetings in Poland are morę forma! and morę guided by rules than in America. Formal greetings are:
dzień dobry - good moming do widzenia - good -bye dobry wieczór - good evening dobranoc - good night
While shaking hands is the common form of greeting, men often kiss ladies' hands. It is customary to introduce a lady to a gentleman and a subordinate to a superior, as well as a younger person to an older person. The same applies when a handshake is called for.
You may greet a younger person or someone you know very well in an tnformal way:
cześć - Hi serwus- Hcllo
Poles are a hospitablc nalion, and likc to spend their timc in good company. Guests invited homc (one can be late by 15 min. to half an hour) will be entertained gcnerously.
It is not politc to comc empty handed. If you happen to be invited to a party at a Polish home, don't forget to givc your host a bunch of flowers. The Poles are crazy about flowcrs! They love to rcccive them and they do receivc them on every occasion, even the least important. Candy or a botlle of winę also make good gifts.
Strong alcoholic drinks are usually drunk undiluted.
Pralnia is a generie name of the company which offers dry cleaning and laundry services. Express or normal service is available.
The following public holidays are observed:
New Year's Day Eastcr Monday Labor Day
3rd May Constitution Corpus Christi Assumption Ali Saints Day Polish National Day Christmas
1 January datę varics 1 May 3 May datę varies 15 August
I November
II Novcmber
25 and 26 December
Ali offices, schools and shops are closed on these days.