1966 CHIN A - Yellow Sea Coast - Haiyang Dao Northwards - Shicheng Dao Eastwards - Legend. Buoy.
Source: Chinese Noiices 1/1-2/07 (HH.556/410/-04 e2I).
Notę: Radar bcacon rcmains unchanged.
Chart 1251 (plan A, Haiyang Dao to Dadong Gangąu) (previous update 1773/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM
legend, Buoyed channel, between:
FI.G.4s Nol for
1 F1.G.4S
39° 34'-8N., 122° 57’-5E. 39° 34'*8N., 123° 00-0E. 39° 33'-8N., 123°02'-5E. and
39° 32'-3N., 123° 03-5E. 39°29'0N., 123° 05'-3E.
39° 28-7N., 123° 05-8E.
It is common to have to insert a new legend. In most cases the legend will be centred on a particular position, but in this example the legend has to be inserted between two or morę points so that it adequately covers the correct area. Plot the positions from the text or follow the instructions on the tracing. Add the new legend, spreading it between the positions. It is important to write clearly and to distinguish between Capital letters and lower case. The size of the lettering should be proportionate to the size of the area the legend covers on the chart. Always position legends horizontally unless the text of the NM instructs otherwise.