Mgifr* 12' tft THk irran|rmvii! of ihc nucieir porę ninipletn In the mu lt*«ir citvrlnp«* (A) A iketch ihowtng a imali region of the micher envriope. In cti)M<Jtrcifon ihe nurleir porę rompln ipp< irg compoted ol lliiee puli: (I) a coliimn compuncni whlch hurm ihe buik uf ihe porę waN: (|) m amtulir rompontni. whlch eitendi *tpol «-%* toward the center aj the poi e; and (3) | luminal componerti, whJch U fortned by a ku p transmembrine glytopr oteln thtt U thought (o help tnchoi the compln to ihe nucłear membrano. In addftłon, fibrth protrudo from both tht cytomlK and nuiłr <n *lde* of the compks On Ihe nurieat tlde the Abtilt tonwrp to form tetpllle iinicUir**, whkh ort «howit lit a icinning ekuron mlcrogroplt of the rwicłW ikleol the tttidear *nvelope ofan oocyte lit (B). (R, from M.W. Goldberg and T.0* Allen,/ QtU Biok 119:1439-1440. If c, by copyright perinlulnrt of the Rockefeller UnlvrHty Presa.)
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and ciimpuier reCORljl nucltor