

Essen.tial Woodcarvmng Techsiques

A clamp should be strong and have its heads in linÄ™. It should havc adequate reach and ideally should be able to be adjusted quickly. If it has a fine thread it will take longer to adjust and is morc suirable for metalwork. Whcn buying second-hand G clamps make surÄ™ that thc buttons are not going to fali off.

The traditional \voodcarvers vice or chops (Fig 1.22) is expensive unless you make it yourself. Kits are available. It can be held in a vice or clamped to a bench but is most effcctive when held on the bench by a special screw which aliows the vice to be swivelled. You therefore need a hole in the bench top. The jaws are lined with cork and felt so that they grip well.

FlG 1.23 Standard bench vice with quick release. NotÄ™ the cheeks lined with thick felt or carpet tile to save space.

FlG 1.22 Carver‘s chops holding workpiece which has been sÄ…uared at the bottom for a good grip. NotÄ™ the bench screw that anchors it to the bench, shown here with wing nut undone.

Fig 1.25 A bench screw.

FlG 1.24 Bench vice with wooden dog in the moving head and thin metal bar holding a bench hook on the bench.

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