Essen tiał Woodcarving Techxiques
Fig 3.5 From the bot tom: two correct chip cuts; tbe classic mistake where the chisel has been reoersed and how this cut can be madÄ™ successfidly with a special shape to the gouge edge.
Fig 3.7 Tapered ans madÄ™ towards a stabbed circle to form flowers. NotÄ™ the smaller cuts in the angles of the bottom example.
FlG 3.6 Cutńnga 'thumbprint cut. Afier an initial steep entry the chisel trauels along with its cortiers just proud of the wood to meet the stab cut. It is most important to keep the corners above the wood when cutting across the grain as here.
Fig 3.8 A saucer-shaped depression in the centre of the top flower NotÄ™ the domed boss of the bottom flower. The smali cuts in the angles of the long tapered cuts are essential to let the irwerted gouge go Iow enough to carve the dome.
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