FlC 15.21 Chasing a flared side to a stem with o skew chisel.
Chasing Straight Letters
Letters chasccl with the skew chisel (Figs 15.21, 15.22) are like those in the drawn alphabet (see Fig 15.2) and have gently flaring sides. They take longcr to carve but arc morÄ™ attractivc.
S - Problems of Curves and Curves cnding in Serifs
For carving an S, start by stabbing a short straight cut along the middle of the centrę linę. After stabbing the rest of the cencre linę with gouges which match the curvcs, stab in the ends of the serifs across the grain to prcvcnt splitting when the trough is cut. This cut is madę with the fisluail from one corner of the serif to the other, keeping it slanted at 45° as for the I. To shape the inside curve$ either stab down with an appropriate gouge or chasc them in the same way as for the O, working always with the grain.
Cutting Ilorizontal Mcmbers
It is important to make stop cuts across the grain to prevent splitting and, after stabbing the centre lines, to chase the sides of the grooves, observing any slight slope in the grain (Figs 15.23-15.25).
FlG 15.22 The shape of the letter shown. The skew has to have a fairly blunt angle at its tip to reach i u to the corner of the serif. If it were morÄ™ acitte it would dig in and make a mess.
The Tails of R and Q
With R and Q, carve the counter beforc cutting the taił. The tips of the tails can be chased or chip-carved with a shallow gouge.
Tackling an Inscription
It is sensible to practise all letters several times on spare pieces of wood before trying the rcal thing. When carving an inscription start wirh all the full-lcngth vertical strokes. Stab every centrc linÄ™ and then the same slope on the side of evcry one. This ensures speed and consistency. 1 prefer to leave the serifs until all the main strokes are done. lf the first letter is a difficult one, leave it until later. A mistake is morÄ™ noticeable at the beginning and end. If there are several lines to tackle, cut the remaining letters from the bottom up. This reduccs smudging of the drawing.
If the lettering is to be painted tests must be done to sec if the paint will bleed along the grain. If it tends to do this the panel should be scaled with a elear varnish or sealer compatible with the paint. When the paint is dry the surface can be sanded to fresh wood. Sanding will probably be needed to clean the surface.