Even a MonkeyŹn Draw Manga v01 p064
The Alk Ul Anyłhing aboul Mango Q & A Forum
What are some other points I should have in mind when I draw shonen manga?
Umanosuke Ooishi, Kagawa Prefecture

Okay. here the three themes of training-friendship-vicfory are absolulely necessary lor llns genre. In the world of shonen manga. as long as the hero trams. he can do anything He can throw that special pitch that defies ā– Newtoman physics. he can fali into a coma and recover, elc. The day you can believably depicl a warm friendship developmg between him and his Ā£8 100-foot-tall bully is when you've achieved victory. But if eueryone followed this training- friendship - viclory model, things would get a little monotonous
II share witli you some "killer' patterns. F'rmsfance: invert the elemenfs to make morÄ™ compelling. Ex
Training-friendship-dele.it: Training and friendship don t always pay off1 If you want some realism. this tragic pattern nught be an optlon.
Training-hostility-victory/training-hostility-defeat: In order to accomplish his goals. a mail sometimes has to go so far as to kill/maim his friends. To depict a picaresque hard-boiled story that ends in elther victory or defeal. this is the way to go.
ldleness-friendship-victory: How can you have a lazy hero9 You might wonder. but revered ancient tales like "Lazy Taroā€¯ and "Sleepy Taro" do exist! The hero who manages to make ewerything work out in the end despite goofmg off all the time may in fact be the ideaÅ‚ hero in this busy modern world.
Idleness-friendship-defeat: This could happen too
ldleness-enemies-victory: The despised kid against the world A Hitoshi Ueki 'W type character. j\ k
Idleness-enemies-defeat: Weil. this is just depressing. Still, a downer manga is always an option. Not that I d read it, though
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