



Plirasal Verbs


f ili in Ihe correct /r.rrtiile(s).

slaiid by: I) rernain loyal esp in a (iilflcull situation, 2) watch passively, 3) be ready for nction

stand for: 1)represent, 2) (usu in questions and negalions) lolerate; put up with stand in for: replace sb temporarily stand out: be very noticeable, prominent stand up tor: support; delend stand up to: resisl; stay in good condition

be taken aback: be strongly surprised take atter: look like

take sili back: admit that one was wrony in what one said

take down: t)leugthen a garment (iet down), 2) separate inlo pieces in order to repair or remove, 3) write down take in: t) give accomrnodation, 2) deceive take for: identity sb or stli wrongly take olt: I) retnove clotties, 2) copy sb's speech or manners esp for fun; imitate take on: t) undertake responsibility, 2) ernploy

take sb out: take sb to tire theatre etc take over: take control or responsibility take to: like

take up: begln to do sth as a hobby mewi.w .r.Mii.iiiifam».iiiViiiiir«iiniiiiimwi wnrmnm







Morę and morę people are beginning to stand ...up for... their righls.

Slie's so tali, she any crowd.

The inilials EU stand.............European Union.

Although he's in prison, łiis wife is standirig ..........hiin.

The star of tire show was iii, so someorre liad to stand................bor.

We're not going to stand.............this injustice

any longor.

I was his offensive rnanner.

He wantod ari enorgetic tiobby so be took ............watei skiing.

I'rn sorry, I take...................what I said. YoiTre

not lazy and selfish.

My mottier takes...................foreign students

to make extra monoy.

The vice president took............................the

company when Ihe president retired.

I took you...........your brother frorn a distance.

You look so alike.

Slia takes....................her rnolhor; they have

Ihe same eyos.

Ho was talking too fast and we didn't manage

to take......................the whole lecture.

TheyYe taking ................extra staff at the car




lliink of llw woni which Itest lits (‘ach space. Write only one won! in each spam.


Paris, the Capital (0) ...of... France, is a city where (1).............. the modern and the historical cari be

apprecialed at the (2)................tirne. One of the best examp!es of (3) the Louvre. The

world famous art gallery was (4)................a royal pałace and naw houses tive thousand works of art

Including the Mona Lisa. Visilors come from all (5)...........the world to

see ttiese and to admire the grand architecture of tire building itself.

Howeyer, in the eighlies, a morę contemporary attraction (6)..............

built in the gailerys courtyard; giant glass pyramids wtiich, because

(7)...............their Sharp contrast, look surprisingly spectacular.

The Musee d’ Orsay is another art gallery (8)..................present func-

tion differs greatly frorn its odginał use, Now filled (9)..................paint-

irtgs by Van Gogli and Monet, the building was once a rallway station.

On the other band, Ihe Beaubourg, also known (10) ................ lite

Pompidou Centra, Is a thoroughly modern building. The home of contemporary culture, it is unique in that all of (11)................pipes and

ducts are on the outside.

For those (12)...................... prefer to watch the world go by rather

(13)..................look at the world in pictures, Los Deux Magots and the

Cafś de Florę are definitely (14)..................a visit. These Iwo Street

calós are (15)..................many famous writers and Intellectuals from

lite past met for coffee and stimulating discussions.


i /* *

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Consolidation 11

j//W «

Complete llie senłences using the wortls ii i Md. L/se łiv<» fo five wwds.

1    "You broke Ihe television!" she said to me.

of    She ...accueed me of hreaking... tho televisiori.

2    Is it necessary to write tliis report today?

have Does this repoit

3    I can'l meet you at tho airport.

impossible lt' at the airport.

4    You’d better hurry or else you won't be hotne on limo.

will    If.................................................................. hotne    on tirne.

5    He always locks the Windows so that ho won't be burgled at night.

fear    He always locks the night.

6    There was orily a little food left alter the party.

any    There ...........................................................................................................after    the party.

7    He didrYt cali me; he didn’t send me a letter eitlier.

did    He neither called me ..............................................................................................a letter.

8    I didn’1 have a chance to say goodbye.

opportunity I had ..................................................................................................................goodbye.

9    He (ound suecess alter facing many difliculties.

against He..............................................................................................beforo he found success.

10    She lost her passport at ttie airport.

got    Her    the airport.

11    He can't make people undersland him when he speaks French.

himself He ...............................................................................................when he speaks French.

12    Sally is coming to the party and Pam is Corning too.

also Not only tho party.

l iii in Ihe correct form of the verbx in hrockels.

JasorYs urtcle, who was a sailor, 1) ...had been traeelllng... (travel)

around the world for years. On his return, he 2)..............................

(eonie) to the house with presents for everyone. To Jason he gave an

old lamp which he 3)..............................(buy) in Saudi Arabia. Jason

tried 4)..........................(hide) his disappointment at such a dirty old

gifl, but thanked his uncle lor 5).......................... (bring) it anyway.

When his uncle 6).....................(go), Jason's mother wanted 7)........

......................(take) the lamp to an antiąue shop and 8).....................

(it/claan). “Thał's OK," said Jason. "I 9).............................. (do) it

myself.” So ho took it away and started 10)..............................(pol-

isfi) it. As he 11)..............................(rub) nway the dirt some smoke

12)........................(eonie) out of it and, out of the smoke, appeared

a large, ralhor frightening man. “Who are you?” 13)............................

(ery) Jason. “I arn the Genie of the Lamp,” the man 14).......................

(reply). "You can have ttrree wishes. But be careful! II you 15)............

............... (wish) well, you 16)..............................(reward), but if you

17) .............................. (wish) badly, you 18)..............................

(bring) disasler on yoursell and your famity." Jason thought for a wlrile and said, “I wish everyone in the

world 19)..............................(have) enough food.” “Good boy," sald the Genie. “And I wish the peoples

of ttie world 20)..............................(stop) lighling each other,” he said. “One morę." Now Jason thought

reatly Irard. “My mum 21)..............................(work) a lot recently and she's really tirocl all tho time. If she

22)..............................(have) a car, she 23)...........................».. (nol/be) so tired." So ho wished lor a car.

“You 24)...........................(cliooso) well,“ said tho Genie and disappeared. Jason 25)..............................

(not/tell) his mum about what 26).............................. (happen), but the noxt day a lettor arrived for her

saying: “You 27).................................... (win) First prize in our car compelition. A brand now Mercedes

28).............................. (deliver) to your homo within the next lew days."

I li t ^

1 70


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