turn away: 1) roluse to let in, 2) refuse to help
tum down: 1) reduce volume, power etc
(opp: lurn up), 2) rejoct
tum in: go to bod
tum inlo: corwert inlo
turn off: swilch off (opp: tum on)
tum on: switch on
turn out: 1) prove to be in the end, 2) forco
sb to leave, 3) produce
turn to: go to sb for help, advice etc:
turn over: go to the nett! pacje
turn up: iricrease tlie volume, pressure etc
(opp: turn down)
work on: be busy willi
work out: t) lind by roasoning, 2) turn out
work up: develop
1 l'm so tired, I think CII turn ...in... early lonight.
2 I always turn.......my molher tor help and advice łię
3 Turn ttie radio................a lillle bit - it's too loud.
4 the ciul) was lurnirig peoplo..................because
it was luli.
5 Turn.......................the TV. Ifs limo lor lho news. 'fe
G I hey turned lho old warehouso...................a i ;
new olfice błock.
7 Don l forget to lurn..............the TV before you i,fv
loavo lho houso.
a I turned...................the job because tho rnoney $$
wasn’1 good enough.
9 We Irusted hitu but Ite turned..........to be a thief. j£i
10 If you turn..........the page you’ll (ind the answer../p
11 Alter a day working in Ihe lields, I had really
worlced...............an appetile.
12 We can't wotk..........this malliematical eguation.
13 I warited to become a dancer but it didn’t work
14 Lol's wotk...............the best route front London
to Birmingham.
15 He is working........his new novel at lito moment,
look al Appendix I, l/ien liii in llie correct preposition.
2 She is an attorney........................professlon.
3 We rnusInT dispose .....our wasle in Ihe sea.
4 He denied arty knowledge.........Ihe scandal.
1 It never occured ...to... me thal you wero right.
5 She acls as if she were superior ... everyone.
6 The film star came accompanied.............her
7 |'m tired.........commutlng to work every day.
8 A eatcollidod......a taxi but no ono was hurt.
(y punce Charles is the heir ..............the British
10 He p|ays sguash .......................his froe time.
11 He was asked to leave ..............short notice.
12 You're...........colour. Aren't you feeling woli?
13 My brother is brilliant ...............matlrematics.
14 Cmi I pay you.....................................chogue?
15 My name’s Elizabeth; they cali me Liz ...........
18 Watermetons aro .......................seasort now.
17 He failed ........Iris attempt to break Ihe world
18 Ted rerrtinds me...........an old acquaintance.
19 Tltey left Ihe country ............................dawn.
20 Gould you give ino same advice .............this
21 I can't cope ............this situation any longer.
22 The teacher glared ......................tire student
wito was causing trouble.
23 He was senlenced ............lile imprisonment.
24 They arrived ..........good time for the leclure.
25 Pollution is a threat.............the onvironrnent.
26 We entered.......................a contract with the
other party.
27 The studenls acted oul Ihe dialogue .....turn.
28 Sito took no notice ....................the warning.
29 He invested all his money..................shares.
30 They let me lmve this antigue chair................
Complele llie senlences osin/; llie worils in hołd. Use Iwo to lice wonls.
|. He regrets not applying lor Ihe job.
wishes He ...wisheo Ile) had applled for... the job.
2 She wants to pursue a singing career and no orte can stop Iter.
.... a singing career. Ihey started talldng.
pursuing No one.................................................................................................
3 T he rnornont she lott they started talklng.
sooner No .......................................................................................................
II he hadirt helped us, we wouldn'l have (inished on time.
his But ......................................................................
This tea is so strong that I carTt drink it.
me This tea is ..........................................................
They gave him a gold watch as a present.
was He .......................................................................
I think that this law should be abolished.
do I think lliey.........................................................
They bought vory little lurniture lor llieir new (lal.
much They ...................................................................
They are installing a new Computer in our otiice today.
lawiny We are...............................................................
You cari go to tire parły, but be Ironio by midnight.
long So .......................................................................
The mistake wasrTt her fauli.
blame She.....................................................................
Gili sont hirn llireo letters belore getting arr answer. until Gili didn't get an answer ...................................
... we wouldn't have (inished on linie.
.................a gold watch as u presenl.
...............................................tliis law.
.................................lor tlieir new (lat.
..............................in our Office today.
by midnight, you can go to Ihe party.
.........................................Ihe mistake.
........................................three letters.
IHI in Ihe gnps willi mi np/mi/irinte form of llie wrh in brackets.
Laura I) ...looked up... (look up) her boyfriend’s plione nurnber in the telephone directory because she
2).......................(forget) it. She was quite surprised wheri his phone 3) ..........................(answer) by a
woman, “Er, liello .... Is John there?" “Yes, but he 4)..........................(hnve) a showor al Ihe moment.“So
Laura asked the woman 5)..........................(tell) him that his girllriend 6)..........................(phone). Hall
an liour passed and she 7)........................................(begin) to get impalient. She said to hersell, "II he
8)..........................(nol/ring) in two minutes, I 9)..........................(phone) him back." Two ininules later
sito phoned him back. Tliis limo a rnan 10)..........................(answei). “John Jacobs 11)..........................
(speak)." "You aren't my boyfriend!" exclalmed Laura.“112)..........................(know)," he replied. “Thal's.
wtiat I 13)..........................(tiy) to tell my wile lor the past hall liour!”
Think of Ihe woril whii h best lils cuch s/iac e. Wrile only one woni in cuch spuce.
Slonehenge is a prehistorie monument (0)
..on... an area of land called Salisbury Plain • about seven miles nortli ol Ihe town ol Salisbury in England. Slonehenge consists (1)
.............. a series ol słone settings arranged
(2)...............a circle and is considered one ol
the (3)............... complex słone circles iri the
world. Built as a religious tempie, Stonehenge
was lirst recorded (4)...............John Aubroy in
tho 17th century, allhough excavalion ol the
site did not begin (5).............. 1919. Research
tias stiown that thoro wore three main poriods ol construction, beginning around 1800 BC and
finishlng (6)............... llie 15lh century BC, wlion Stonehenge (7)...............cornplotely reconstrucled.
The (acl that the monument is (8)...............largo irnplies lliat many people musi (9)...............worked
together in a team lo help build it. There has always been conlroversy (10)...............the exaot lunction
ol Slonehenge. Although(11)...............is no doubt Ilia! il liad religious iinporlance, it was also known to
j ltave a special signilicance (12)......................regard lo the sun. Becords show that tho sile was usod
(13)...........a place ol worship duiing the summer months and espebially (14)...............June 21sl, Ilia
longest day ol the year. Today, Stonehenge is a major tourist atlraction and is slill bolieved lo liave a spiritual lorce, (15)...............to this day.
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