31 Now listen to the short dialogue. Listen carefully and pay special attention to phrasal verbs that appear in the conversation.
- Weil, Jen’s been on about getting married for the last six months.
- Yeah, but are you really ready to settle down? Make surę that you know what you are letting yourself in for first, you don’t want to end up divorccd likc your parents.
- Yeah, but Jen’s somewhat persistent.
- Even so, don’t let her talk you into something that you’re not ready for.
31 Exercise. Translate the following phrases into Polish:
brush up - odświeżyć, podszlifować make for - skierować się talk soineone into something - przekonać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś, namówić
Say it in English:
zamieszkać (na stale), osiąść - settle down wyruszyć - set off, set out dogonić, dołączyć do kogoś później - catcli someone up
Listen carefully to the phrasal verbs together with their Polish
translations. Repeat each phrasal verb after the speaker. Then listen to the sentence that indicates how to use it properly.
check into
We checked into the cheapest hotel in town.
Zameldowaliśmy się u; najtańszym hotelu w mieście.
come from - przybywać z
She’s just come from the airport and is really tired.
Właśnie przyjechała z lotniska i jest bardzo zmęczona.
pick someone up - odebrać kogoś
Gan you pick me up at the airport at 6 a.m. tomorrow?
Czy możesz odebrać mnie z lotniska jutro o 6 rano?
see someone off
A couple of my friends came to the airport to see me off.
Kilkoro z moich przyjaciół przyszło na lotnisko, żeby mnie pożegnać.
shut sth down
The captain ordered the crew to shut the engincs down.
Kapitan rozkazał załodze wyłączyć silniki.