angielski phrasal verbs 06

angielski phrasal verbs 06

Audio Kurs

3    Now listen to the short dialogue. Listen carefully and pay special attention to phrasal verbs that appear in the conversation.

-    Hey Joe, what’s up with Jeff?

-    Weil, the printer was acting up, so Amy asked Jeff if he could attend to the problem as ąuickly as possible

- but you know Jeff - he’s not exactly up to the job of ‘Mister Fix It’.

-    Is that why he’s so angry then?

-    No - that’s not it at all. Amy was angry because she had written up ber report and had a deadline to meet, and because the fax printer was broken

it was holding everything up.

-    So?

-    Weil, Jeff couldn’t fix it and Amy shouted at him and asked him why

he was stupid enough to take up a job he couldn’t fulfill.

-    But he’s not employed as an engineer!

-    Yeah - I know, but they’ve fallen out really badly this time - I don’t think Jeffs going to let Anty off for calling him stupid.

-    Oh wow, I love a bit of inter-office gossip, oh, watch out, Anty’s Corning this way, better get back to work.

4    Exercise. Translate the following phrases into Polish:

attend to sth/sb - zająć się czymś, kimś

act up - nie działać prawidłowo fali out - kłócić się

Say it in English:

zatrzymać - hołd up darować - let off

zacząć coś robić, uprawiać np. sport - take up sth


Listen carefully to the phrasal verbs together with their Polish translations. Repeat each phrasal verb after the speaker. Then listen to the sentence that indicates how to use it properly.

account for - wyjaśnić np. powody

Has he accounted for his abscnce at yesterday’s meeting?

Czy wyjaśnił powody swojej nieobecności na wczorajszym spotkaniu?

go through sth - przejrzeć

Can we go through this report again?

Czy możemy jeszcze raz przejrzeć ten raport?

hang on - czekać

Mr Gowing is busy at the moment, would you like to hang on for a while?

Pan Gowing jest w tym momencie zajęty, zechciałby pan zaczekać chwilę?



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