Audio Kurs
break off - zerwać
One of the parties broke off the negotia-tions.
Jedna ze stron zerwała negocjacje.
break out - wybuchnąć
World War II broke out in 1939.
Druga wojna światowa wybuchła u; 1939.
sort out - rozwiązać np. problem The government is trying to sort out the problem of high unemployment.
Rząd próbuje rozwiązać problem wysokiego bezrobocia.
We talked it over and decided not to take part in the demonstration. Przedyskutowaliśmy to i zdecydowaliśmy się nie brać udziału w demonstracji.
Do you think the new government will stand by their promises?
Czy sądzisz, że nowy rząd będzie trzymał się danych obietnic?
Now listen to the short dialogue. Listen carefully and pay special attention to phrasal verbs that appear in the conversation.
- That child deserves to be expelled from the school.
- Good heavens, how on earth did all this
come about?
- Weil, based on previous experience,
I don’t think that we will ever be able to sort out that child’s behavioural problems.
- Come on, youYe just angry, sit down, let’.s talk it over.
- Weil, he’s constantly answering back to the teachcrs, we can’t rule out the possibility that he was the one who set off the fire alarm last week.
- Yes, but that’s children for you.
- There’s morę, we know that he was behind the eanteen riot that broke out last rnonth, we had to cali school security to break it up because the teachers couldn’t cope. I know he’s done other things in the school, besides I’ve almost gathered enough information to close in on him and throw him out.
- Weil, if that’s the case, you must make a decision, then act on it. I’ll stand by you whatever you decide.
25 Exercise. Translate the following phrases into Polish:
act on sth - postąpić zgodnie z czymś
close in on sb - otoczyć kogoś
set off - wywołać, spowodować, uruchomić
Say it in English:
wykluczyć coś - rule out sth rozwiązać np. problem - sort out przedyskutować coś - talk sth over