

Lara Croft



Tomb F.aider 1

Tosnb folder Is one of the blggest-selling źsrictf ir. vu'ir .3ame hfstory. Th« star of the garnę. Ura Croft. Is famous a!l over the worid,

Ust'eM'r.g 1 If you liku Computer games, find somebody who isn't very interested in them and tell them about your fnvourite garnę, lf you don't particularly like Computer games, find somebody who is a Computer gaines fan and nsk them why they find these games interesting.

2 E2 33 Read through thia magazine quiz on Lara Croft of Tomb Rnider.

Then listen to her talkmg about her Iife, and tick (✓") the correct answers.

W<T°    Tite    6

■Shespends all her money on ...1 •- [JJ a expensive sunglasses.

H b weapons.

[~~1 c travel.

She livus in ...

[3 a a Manhattan attic eonversion.j ;•

LJ b a rnanslon in the English countrysrdti.

□    c ri r.ave irt Egypt.    ‘    '

Her favourile pastimes are ...

LJ a ex treme sporis. :■    . .* *

D b needlework.

LJ c hunting

   d cleaning her guns.

□    e takrng care of her pets.

□    f working out.



Her favourite film is ...

O a The Mummy.

LJ b Austin Po wers.

. - . •< * * • •

LJ c Aguirre, the Wrath of God.

She drives ...

□ a an c!d Land Rover and a Norton Streetfighter.

L]ba pink Lambretta Scooter and a siker Porsche.

O c a Rolls Roycft and a Harley Davidson.

Her ideał man ię ...    . ■

[Jj a Pterce Stosnan (James Bond actor).

f~l. b; Jean-Claude Van Damme (action film Hero).

tD c 8rian Blessed (Shakespearean actór).Lr'

. i‘ł *    .f.    kii)'    •

Her dreani is to    •.    '• i * • :!

■ • . : ; • ••

. M a be as famous as James Bond. :    .. v

? LJ b ski down Everest with Brian Blessed strapped to her back.

(JJ c meet'Mr Right'and settłe down in the countr--.

:; C m.

Work with .. partner and do the following task.

a)    Write a quiz about yourself using the same questions and multiple choice format as the Lara Croft quiz in 2. Adapt the questions as appropriate.

b)    Hxchange papers and do your partner's quiz.

c)    Check your answers and find out how well you know one another.



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