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The 21-39 Super Four

that has power capacity to tackle any job and the stamina to stand up and puli through has a greater rangę of usefulness and a corresponding greater value. You may seldom need the fuli power of these Super Fours but when you do need extra power it is a great satisfaction to know the surplus is there ready to respond to the touch of the throttle.


The Surplus power of the Super Four engine would be of little use— in fact would be an ac-tual disadvantage if the tractor parts were not of sufficient strength to safely transmit it. Even though Super Four tractors develop in excess of their draw bar rating, all gears and shafting and bearings are madę of sufficient oversize to continously carry the maximum load. They will stand without injury the shocks and strains of any kind of tractor service. Unusual engine power coupled to unusual transmission strength makes the Super Four unusual tractor value.


Super Four tractors are suitable for heavy belt and draw bar work such as threshing, saw milling, freighting, road grading, etc., and for generał farming operations.


When used as farm tractors, the surplus pow-ered Super Fours will safely carry the peak load of the rush season when every minutę counts and when a few hours saved may mean the dif-ference between a poor crop and a good one. The power that enables them to do an enor-mous amount of work in a short time inereases


Rear Axle:    Alloy Steel, hcat treated, with splined ends

for differential gear and rear wheel hubs. Mounted on Hyall bearings.

Front Axlc:    Cast Steel, automotive type. spring mount

ed, Timken bcaring pivot pins. Drop forged spindles.

Stcering:    Irreversible type. worm and segment gear

encloscd and packcd in grease.

Drive Wheels:    Rat spoke, heavy cast hub, groovcd and

flangcd rim. Diamcter 56”, face 14". (See page 16 )

Front Wheels:    40" diamcter, 5” face, rcmovable skid

bands. Hubs equipped with Timken Bearings.

Draw Bar:    Adjustcd latcrally and vertically. ICquipped

with shifter lever and quadrant.

Power Take Off:    Gear Drivcn power tukę off furnished

as cxtra when wanted.

Wheel Base: 93"—turning radius about 14 feet.

Total Length 158": Total Width 76". Total Height 62".

Fower:    Dcvcloped 30.35 h. p. on draw bar, 43.15 h. p.

on belt at Officinl Test. Draw bar puli 5419.5 pounds.

(This test was run in 1926. Since then refinements and improvements havc bccn madę that should add at least 10% to the power of this engine.)

NOTĘ:    Righł is rcserved to make changcs or

improvements without obligation to install same on machines previously sold.


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