#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (49)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (49)



jc-r 2 miiiM A.

Itllff, UIW CllITlOO







SI ZE: Sec rcspcciivc diugrams.

MATERIALS : Kor dccorations A, B. C . IX E, G, L, N. O, Q. K and S -smali umounis of cmbroidery pcarl cotton no. 5 or crochci cotton no. 30. m a variety of colors lusc photo as a guide); sieci crochci hook USsi/e II. For inms II. I. J, K and M - smali amounts llngering wcighi wool in colors desired; aluminum crochci hook USsizcO. Needleand maiching sewing thread. l*oly ester or cotton stuffing.

(iA UCi/i: Pcarl cotton no. 5,5 rows in dc = 3/4". Wool. 4 rows in dc = aboul I 1/4”. If you do not obtain tlus gauge, tn usług smaller nr lurger hook


Wah red. ch 8 and join to form ring. Rrnl I : In ring work (I dc, 2 ch) 8 limes; llrst dc = 3 ch throughoul; ciosu all mds with sl sl in lop of ch-3. Rnd 2 : (3 dc in ch lp. 2 ch) 8 limes. Rnds 2-9 (2 dc in firsi dc of grp. dc in ca next dc. 2 dc in łasi dc of grp, 2 ch i around. Rud >: (dc m ca of ncxt 7 dc. 3 ch. sc in ch Ip. 3 ch) around. Rnd 6: *5-dc elusier, (3 ch.sc in ch lp) lw ice,3 ch,rep from * around. Fasten olT. Make a 2nd molif. Join or sew 2 motifs logeiher. stutT, join or sew closed. l or Cushion A ’ follow diagram

Tiny cushion io f,i«t chon

Wuh ycllow.ch 10 and join lo lorm ring Rnd I : In ring work (I dc. 2 ch) 10 limes; firsi dc * 3 ch Ihroughout; close all mds wiih sl st in lop of ch-3. Rnd 2: (3 dc in ch-2. ch 4, sk nexi ch-2) around. Rnds 3-5 :(dc in ea dc of point, dc in firsi sl of ch-4, 4 ch. dc in łasi sl of ch—4) around. Cul thread Completc point in rows. Rows 6-7 .* Altach thread in dc (sec white wedge). work dc in ea of ncw 7 dc, tum, sl si in ncxt dc, work dc in ea of 5 ccnicr dc. tum Row 8: Clustcr 3 dc worked in ccnicr 3 dc. work I p (= 3 ch,sl sl in firsi slofch-3). Fasten oft. Work 4 morę points in same manner.

Wuh bluc.chSi plus 3 i<> tum. work in lilut (sec cham Row I : Beg with 5th st from hook, work 8 dc (    3 sm). 4 om (= *2 ch,

sk 2 si.s, dc in ncxt st. rep from * across), I sm (** 3 do. 1 om. 1 sm. 4 om, 3 sm; ch 3. tum ea row. Row2 : Dcc I sm al beg and at end of r (= al beg of row sl st across llrst 3 -as; al end of r, lcavc last 3 sts unwomud and work 1 sm. I om, II sm. 1 om,

I sm. Rows .?-V (oni working m filet, dcc I m al ea euu on ea row. as per chart. Alter completing first halfof molif, work 2nd halfof motifon other side of loundation ch to correspond (rows 10-17 on chart). Make 2nd motif, join two motifs. stuff. sew closed

With winę, ch 22 plus 3 to tum. work 9 rows in dc across 22 sts. Make 2nd rcctangle. join iwo pieces. stuff. sew closed.



toltl »noia *tw*


*■} 14" 122 dc|- ♦



(irtsikn 21




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rntuff. doied


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