#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (55)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (55)

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wedge). With K carrying GO looscly across lop of sls in prev md and working ovcr ii. work 3 ch. 2 dc. 2 ch. (sc in puff sl. 5 ch) 10 limes, sc in next pufT sl. 2 ch. dc in ea of nexi 3 dc; ch 3, lum ca row. Row 12 : Dc in ea of ncxi 2 dc. 2 ch. (sc in next ch Ip, 2 ch.GO pulTsi in ncxC sc. conl willi R, 2 ch, sc in ncxt ch Ip. 5 ch) 4 limes, end with sc in ch Ip. 2 ch. GO puli'st in ncxt sc. conl w. K.

2    ch, sc m ncxi ch Ip. 2 ch. dc in ca of ncxt 3 dc Rows 13-20 : Work simo as for r 11 and 12. lollnwing diagram. Rows 21-22: Dc in 2 dc. 2 ch, sc. 2 ch.

3    dc. Row 23 : ('luster 5 dc with ch-3. Pasień off Completc 4 morc poials in same manner. Leaves (llll-in bet pc-uls) Altach (iR with sl sl as shown in diagram, righl side lacing Ch I. work sc in dc of peial, I ch. sc in dc of udjuccnl pctalich 3.join with sc in dc of next r nf same peial. tum In 4-ch Ip work 2 dc. 2 ch and 3 dc.join w illi sc in corresponding dc of peial, Work 7 rows morę in same munner, as per diagram Cul thread. Pili in 4 morę leaves in same manner.

Aftcr completing petals and leaves. Ottach GO with sl si in lip of uny peial (sec whitc wedge). ch 27. work sl si in lip of next lenf. ch 27.com in this manner all around; close with .sl sl in joining st. ch 3 ( first dc), work dc in ea si around; close with sl st in top of ch-3; ch I, work sc over metal ring and in ea si around. Pasień off.

UTFlJi RING: I Jsing R, form Ip wilh end of thread Rnd I : In Ip. ch 2, work 14 hdc; close with sl st in top ot ch-2. Rnd 2 : Ch I, work (sc in sl. 3 ch. sk 2 sls) 5 limes; close rtuls

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-2-4 with sl st m llrsi sc Rnd 3 : LII l, * sc iii front sirand of sc In prcv md, in 3-ch Ip work sc, 3 hdc, sc. rep from* around Rnd 4 : Ch I, *$c in back sirand of sc in md 2. 6 ch, rep from ' around. Rnd 3 : SI sl in nexl sl, *X dc (llrsi dc = 3 ch) in ch Ip, 2 ch, rep from 4 around. close willi sl sl in lop of ch-3. Cul thread. Prom now on. work Cii poinsćttiu pctal scparatcly in row s. Row 6: Right side fucing, altach R with sl sl in any ch-2 Ip; ch 3 ( llrsi dc), dc in ch Ip. 2 ch. sc in nexl dc, (3 ch. sc in next dc) 7 limes; end with 2 ch 2 dc in ncxt ch Ip; cli 3, lurn ea row. Rows 7-/2 ; Dc in ncxl dc, 2 ch. sc in llrsi 3-ch Ip. (3 ch. sc in nexl ch Ip) 6 /5. ł, 3. 2. 1/ lime(s), end wilh

2    ch. dc in ca of 2 dc. Row 13 : IX* in ncxi dc. 2 ch, sc in ch Ip, 2 ch. dc in ea of ncxt 2 dc. Row 14 : Clustcr

3    dc with ch-3. I asien olT Completc

4    morę petals in simc manner.

Lcares (llll-in bel petals) : Righl side fucing. altach GR wilh sl st (see wbite wedge). Ch I, work sc in dc of peial. 2 ch. sc in corresponding dc of ne.\i peial. 3 ęh, sc in dc of next r ni same pctal. turn. iń ch-2 work dc 2 eh and 2 dc, sc in corresp dc of llrsi peial. Work 4 r morę in same manner. fol-lowing diagram. Pili in 4 morc leavcs in same manner.

A ller completing petals and leaves, altach GO as per diagram, work I md sc ovcr metal rmgjommg ring to petals wilh sl st in lip and to leaves with sl sl in ch-2 of row 5; close wilh sl st in lirsl sc. Pasień ofl


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( iNDLE ASI) HOU.) : Candlchotder Wilh DB, ch 6 and join to form ring. Rnd I : In ring work 20 dc (first dc = 3 ch throughout); close mds 1-7 with sl sl m top of ch-3. Rnd 2: Work (dc in dc. 2 dc in nexl dc) around -30 dc. Rnd 3 : Working dc in back sirand of dc in prev rnd. inc 6 dc as per diagram - 36 dc. Rnds 4-6 : Inc on ea md - 45. 68. 102 dc. Rnd 7 .* Dc in ca si and ovcr ring measuring 2 1/2" in diameier, which you can form wilh Ihc wirc. Rnd s . Cli I, work (I sc,

1    hdc. 2 dc in ca ol ncxi 3 sls. I hdc) 17 limes; close wilh sl st in llrsi sc. Pasień ofl

Candh With DB. work 30 dc in Ironl sirand of sts in rnd 2 of candleholdcr; llrsi dc 3 ch, close all dc* rnds wilh sl st in ch-3 After I md m DB. cut thread chungc lo R and work 7 rnds iii dc over 30 sts. Conl wilh 12 mds morc. bul dcc I dc (=* yo. puli up Ip in ncxt sl, yo and draw thru 2 Ips on hook. rep from * lwice.yo and draw i hru 3 Ips on hook) on ea md - 18 dc. Stuli candle firmly Ncxl md ; dcc 11 dc cvcnly - 7 dc. Cul R. Rnd I ofllamc : With GO, work dc. bul inc II s*lsevenly - IX dc. Work evcn on 18 dc for

2    morc rnds. stuli llume. Work one morę md. fasten off. Wcave end of thread thru sls. puli opening closed, secure thread. : cave5 »ohi

7 >tS.

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Holly l.ea\c\ . fhere arc* five shapcs ofleaves. Por smali hrunch. completc 3 lcavcs B. I leaf C 2 leavc> D and 1 leaf E; for big brnncłu completc 3 leaves A 2 leaves C and 5 lcaves D

1    o make leaf, cut piece of w irc (sec diagram for measurements). wilh GR work sc ovcr wirc llrsi. then complete ea leaf as per diagram

lad A . Ulach (iR with sl st in sc ol midrib (see wbite wedge in diagram), Row I • 3 ch. 2 dc m joining st, 2 ch, sl st m sc of midrib, 2 ch. 3 dc in joining st; eh 3. turn. Row 2 :4 dc.

2    ch. >1 st in sc of midrib. 2 ch. 5 dc, tum. work sl si in ca ol next 3 sts Row 3 : Ch 3 ( first dc*). 4 dc, 2 ch, sl si in midrib. 2 ch. 5 dc. lurn. work sl st in ea of nexl 3 dc Row 4 3 ch.

I dc. sl st in midrib, 5 dc, tum. work sl st m ea of ncxi 3 dc. Row $ ( luster

3    dc wilh ch-3, work sl sl in midrib Easien ofl' ( omplete Lmvts R. C I) and h in same manner. foilowing re-*pective diagrams.

Rw# : Wilh GO. work I rnd sc ovcr metal ring from inner edge, ihen I rnd dc around inner edge.

F/N/SIIISG: Por bninchcs.cut 2 picc-cs of wirc. 12 3/4" and 14 3/4", cover ea in sc* wilh GR Assemblc all parte as shown in diagrams.


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