SHSpec 223 6212C11 Phantom Rock Slam

6212C11 SHSpec-223 Phantom Rock Slam

The phantom rock slam is a special manifestation of R2-12. This is not a
rare manifestation, and it causes trouble.

There is a rule about this: You mustn't grab rock slams from ruds. Get
them from R2-12 or case records, e.g. old sec checks, List Ones. The phantom
slam will attach itself to various terminals and anything and everything in
rudiments. You can wind up with this peculiar phenomenon: opposing something
that isn't a rockslamming item. When this happens, in R2-12, you may get a
rock slam in the oppose list, but it will be a cyclic proposition. The rock
slam becomes a dirty needle, becomes a clean needle, every two or three
pages. This cycle never ends. The list is unnullable. This phenomenon is
peculiar to the opposition list. You could make this happen by taking a list
of unreading items and insisting that the PC oppose one of them. The PC will
go ahead and do it, but the list is unnullable.

In R2-12, it is an enemy that is helping the PC. [I.e. scientology, an
auditor, etc. Anything from List One that the PC rock slams on.] Therefore,
the PC can't accept the help. The enemy is right here and now in this
session. List One is also right here and now. It is what is being used on
the PC: auditors, E-meters, sessions, etc. If List One isn't used, these
things are never located. The most crude manifestation of a failure to locate
rockslamming items to oppose is the phantom slam, which comes and goes. You
will only get dead horses doing lists from other sources. If the PC is on
record as having slammed on List One, but you can't turn on the rock slam now,
tiger drill three or four main points of the list until one ticks, then go
ahead and oppose it. It will turn on a continuing rock slam and get you a
reliable item.

The case that slams on this and that is the puzzler. It confuses the
auditor. You eventually realize that the rock slam has nothing to do with
what you are listing or nulling. It turns on incidentally. It will turn on
more powerfully on a heavily charged list, that has some rock slams on it

The phantom rock slam is generated by some tiny withhold and not by some
item on the list. The test of the phantom rock slam is, "Do you get one rock
slam in nulling that stays in, or does the PC rockslam on ruds or mid-ruds,
especially since big mid-ruds. The latter is a more powerful rudiments action
than is in a regular model session. If you see a rock slam turn on during a
ruds action with a time-limiter, like, "Since your last session," you have a
phantom rock slam. Sometimes the PC graduates upstairs to having a phantom
rock slam, as his case unburdens. The rock slam can be absent at first. Then
it develops first into a tame rock slam, then gets frantic, then cools off
again, as the case unburdens. Then, when you hit the item, it is there again
in force and blows. The rock slam tends to stay the same size, but it changes

A phantom rock slam is any slam that turns on in ruds or general O/W. It
is caused by any withhold the PC has from you or the remainder of the
dynamics. Every now and then, you will be fixing up someone's line plot, done
in a co-audit or something, and out of twenty-four packages, only one will
rock slam. You may think, "Well, the charge is blown." No. It was a phantom
slam all the way.

Fortunately, there is a solution. A phantom rock slam is turned on by
something in the immediate, instant PT of the session. It is turned on by
something immediately in or in the vicinity of the session. Something right
here. It is not a fight with the D of P, because he is down the hall. The
way you smoke one out is to get every possible element of which the session
consists. With the PC's help, you make a special list, which must include
every part of the PC (his name, "myself", badges, symbols, tables, etc.).
[Cf. the expanded dianetics present time environment list.] With this list,
you will get the PTP that is "right present in the session". The phantom slam
will show up on the list. The PC won't help much, because, since he slams on
the item he can't see it. He has overts on what it will be, so he can't
perceive it. So you may have to suggest some items. The majority of items
will probably be first dynamic items. The item could be "me", but it could
translate as "my mind" or some such thing. But as you continued to get more
and more packages, the item would gradually change in character [e.g. to
include more dynamics]. The rock slam gets gradiently more sudden and more
constant. Finally, the PC could just blurt out the item. The only test of
whether you have found the source of the rock slam is that the rock slam
doesn't recur. So you can't tell for several sessions whether you have got

So the phantom rock slam item is an even more immediate version of the
List One items. It is something so much in PT and so disturbing to the PC,
that it is a total PTP, a very screaming one, because it is so close to the
session. This PTP blocks him from getting gains. It was in 1956 or so when
LRH isolated the PTP as that which prevents case gain. The GPM was discovered
via the PTP. The closer to auditing and PT the PTP is, the less gains are
obtained from auditing. That is why List One is a cure. Note that we include
other dynamics besides the first dynamic in List One. There are other dynamics in PT. You can point at the PC and say, "me," or point at yourself and say, "we," to get the point across. Ordinarily, careful attention to List One will get the phantom slam and clean it up.

So the proper procedure is:

1. Complete running List One.

2. Make a session List One. If you run into a phantom rock slam after
completing List One and cleared up all the slams on it, what you
should do is to go over with the PC all the parts of the session, so
you can locate the in-session rockslamming item. Keep your eye on the
meter so that you can steer him and pick up something he thinks of
that turns on a slam.

3. Just go on finding reliable items. Do this to the best of your
ability. Don't buy anything that doesn't stay in pretty well, and
make lists long enough to be complete. Get your packages, difficult
though this may be. You will see the slam turn on more frequently,
and get progressively less frantic, until one day the PC volunteers
the item, which slams beautifully and can be opposed.

4. Pick up all past incomplete or dead horse lists. Go back to all those
lists that appeared to give lots of bonus packages and no RI's. Now
you will be able to find some RI's.

R2-12 should have a positive result. Everything shouldn't just go up in

Here is another point. You can represent massless things -- ideas,
conditions, etc. -- and you will get nice massy rockslamming items. But if
you oppose significances, you can get in trouble. If a significance
rockslams, you do oppose it. But you are actually opposing a nothing, an
idea. So get the item -- the identity -- that opposes the significance. E.g.
"mouse" could oppose "attack". Then oppose the item you got (e.g. "mouse")
right back, to get a second solid item (e.g. "cat") with which to make up a
package. Otherwise, you don't have two terminals. This is the original
3DXX. List long enough on the "oppose" list to the significance to get the
item. You can have a package consisting of a significance opposing a
significance, but it is not much of a GPM package. Significances easily go
blank, so the rock slam can wash out, doing the oppose list. The rock slam
isn't really gone. It is just submerged. Complete the list with a mass.
When you have the item opposing the significance, see if it has pain or
sensation connected with it, so you know which way to oppose it. Then oppose
it and get the other mass.

Rule: If the list is nullable and rockslamming, you can find a juicy item
on it.

A list can be nullable and still incomplete. Don't use invalidated items
for anything. If the PC is invalidating the items that he is giving you --
yes, that's a valid test. But don't use the invalidate button for other
purposes than to clean off real inval. Don't use it to keep from having to
complete the list. PCs may try to get out of completing lists by invalidating
items. Just go on and get the item, after you have finished nulling the list
or checking mid-ruds. Sometimes a PC can't give you more items until you have
finished nulling the list.

The basics of auditing cover most of the difficulty a person will have. The
danger of R2-12 is that the auditor can get a result that he and the PC are
happy with, without doing it right and getting all the available gain. The
residual gain is 1000% worth.


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