coołd noc be stopped by ihe attcmpts lo establish contJlcts witli tho Ccłtio world (4tb-3th cen tai) B.C.) which did not show thon any intcrcst in arcas situatcd north from the Sudctic and Carpathian Mountains.
Finally. 1 would like to drew attention not only to the possibilitics but olso thc adv>sabtlłty of cnriching archaeologicol studies by elemcnts of widcly oomprohended biolopcal analyses. Despite still cxisting, not yet sunnounted diflioultios, this direction -as wc can jodce from thc achicvemcnts in studies in thc biology of prehistorie popubtioos—promisc, also in archacology. particularly good results, owing to inezhaustiWc resouroesof crapiric materia! and, indispcnsible in this typc of studies, dtronologica! perspeetta. A stimulus for this typc of rcsearchcs arc undoubtcdly the reoentJy started attempts at detailed introduction of new methods of archaco-biological analyses, a choice of which has been presentod in this volumc (J. Strzałko, M. Hcnncbcrg).
Trantlated by Aniela Kasprzak
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