

42 iacek Wolny



In thc Bron/c Agc H H carly Iron Agc. thc soulhcm bordcr of Pomerania, along M jwflfe floodcd \alłc> of ihc Noteć as well as thc iinal part of thc Warta. ■B market! $j thc prtscncc scvcra! eomement possages through thc vallcys of both n\crv along thc North South linę, Tvvo of such passnges bctwcen thc Odcr and thc Yi>tula arc locatcd in thc hordcrland bet w cen Kuya\ia and Pomerania. UafaYourebłe natura! condinons of thc wet and wooded thc Noteć ice marginal StrmtwaOflCl caused thai thc commumcation routes penctratcd it with ditTercni in-tcuMts and m difłcicni i|Sra The first contact zonę was near Naklo, at thc throat of thc YaSt Noteć vallcy Dopite coinparam cly dense distńbution of thc scttlcmcnt pomts trom thc Branże Agc and thc eariy Iron Agc. it is hord to nottcc among them an\ ttacn 8f tar-rcaching tradc cwiucts. It allow-s. at most. identifying thc Naklo region a tth I tocal cxchange routc bctwcen Kuyavia and Krajno Lakcland.

Dk MB of thc contact /one. cmbracing thc confluencc of Brda into thc Yis-tuU. was uadoubtcdly tnorc Mgnificant. howcver. its complctc mcaning is not c\plaiocd \Bukowski I99fc IT) The interregional charactcr of thc Bydgoszcz

Mna Und* m Ihc cnriy Iron Agc (after Bukowski

Kuynvia-Porocrania bonlcrland on thc track of fmr-rcochmg tn*dc routc*    4 3

passage betwcen Kuyavia and Eastem Pomerania, i.e. in widcr tcrms: bctwccn the South and the North, gained a significani importance when through Polish landa went "Amber Roads" in carly the Brun/c Agc, in thc Hallstatt period, and laier also in thc Roman period. Modclling of tradc routes Crossing Polish lands in the prehistory must not neglcct similar tocai spccificity of convcnient tracks. wading placcs. or forda. The same pluces which oncc separated ncighbouring communi-ties could connect ihem in some other limes. Above ali, except from thc commu-niention propertics, Crossing them had symbolic mcaning, which was understood well in thc borderland bctw ccn Kuyavia and Pomerania, on thc tum of thc Nco-lithie and the carly Bronzc Age, inier alia.


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