G97 Spindle Speed in Rev Minute

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G97 Spindle Speed in Rev/Minute
\par \cf2\b0\fs20
\par \pard\cf1\b\fs24
\par \cf2\b0\fs20 The G97 command allows a spindle speed written in the units, revs per minute, to be entered into the machine controller. All subsequent spindle speeds are defined in revs per minute, after the original read-in of the command G97. If a change of spindle speed is required within a program, only the S __ value needs to be entered.
\par A G97 command for spindle speed control is written in the following format:
\par G97 S __ ;
\par where,
\par S __ is the spindle speed, written in the format revs per minute.\cf1\b\fs24
\par }


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