T11 (9)

T11 (9)

Starfire Roadster

Same power-spcc fications as Starlire Scramb-lcr. Ha-i road gearing, road tircs, new sports mufflcr. Fasy to chsnge to lull scramblcs trim. Fu!l lighting cejuipmcnt supplied.

~TSSA starfire competition models

250 c.c. O.H.V. Alloy-head Singles

Starfire Trials

Basically the same motorcyclc as Starfire Scrambler, but has special enginc set-up for Iow r.p.m. torąue, special trials gcar ratios, sport eairs, and trials-tyoc piston. Ideał for trials, woods runs, enćuros. cross-country. Supplied with fu l lighting eguipment.

Starfire Scrambler

Fuli power equipped, with racing cams, 10-1 comprcssion piston. 1-^" car bu retor., racing mcgaphone exliaust, new rol.er-bcaring big-end—a highly successful. easy-handling scramblcs special. Fuli lighting eąuipment supplied. New lowcr gear ratios for cuickcr aceeleration.

Engine: BSA 250 c.c. cvcrho;ul-vave alloy head single. High comprcssion 10 to I piston, enlarged inSc: port ard valve, large Ift' A mai carburctor. Trials model has modified comprcssion, sport-tyoe cans. Fuli-rr.ce camshaft ir Starfire Scrambler, special oompctitiyn camshaft in Starfire Roadstcr. Hcavy-duly bearings. ltcav>-duty ioller bcaring bg-end, lubricatcd under pressure by double-gear typc oil pump.

Transmission: BSA 4-speed gearbox, hcavy-duty clutch, incorporating sl cck absorber. Roadstcr ratios 6.33—8.10—11.14—16.96.

Trials ratios S.5—i 3.8 -20.8—26.S. Scram-bles ralios 9.05— 10.82—15.00—19.00. Bohem rear wheel sproeket Front chain runs in cilbath, rear chr.in with guard over top run. Chain guide for lower rui.

Ignition: New 6-coil Lucas ignition and lighting A.C. generator. Diroet lighting set.

Fuel capacity: 2\ galion tank on rubber nounts.

Tires:    On Scrambler, Dtnlop Sports,

3.5(1—19 front. 4 00—18 reai. Roadstcr and Trials havc Dunlop Trials Uniwersał ircac.

Roadstcr. 3.50—19 front, 3.50—18 rear Trials 2.00—19 front, 4.CO—18 rear. Large diameter whecls and long forks givc high g*oi.nd eleara ice.

Rrakcs: Fuli width htibs willi powerfui 6'' diameter brakes. Finger-operatcd adjusters.

Franie and Suspension: Lightweigllt lianę rugr.cdiy constructcd of tubular alloy stccL Swinging-arm rear suspensiott, telescopic frent fork, both hydraulca.ly-controllcd.

Equipmen;: Uar.dicbars, Western typc on Scramblcs and Roadstcr. Trials type on Trials ntcdel. Serambles dualseat, folding rubber-coYcrec footrests. ball-cnd eltitch and front brake lecers, 100 rn.p.h speedo--neter with irip nilcage indicator; sk.d platc under sngine, security lugs or: both wheels, rubber dust covc:s on front forks. jifFy stand. New style kickstarier.

Finish: Starfire Scrambler Las sappltireblue tank, chrome pancls. chrome fenders. Roadstcr has meiallic blue tank. chrome panek, chrome fenders. Many other paits in bright chrome or highly polished alloy.

General tłimcnsions:    Weight 264 1'os.;

g-otnd elearanee 8"; overa!l lengt.n Ul".

page 11



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