Wanda Maximoif is the daughter of Erik Magnus Lehsherr also known as thc mutant criminal Magneto and the twin sister of Eietro MaximofF, the fornier Avcnger Quh ksilvf.ii.. Wanda s mother ran away from Magneto while she was pregnant and, fearing ber husband would exploit lier unborn children, gave her twins up for adoption.
Wanda Maximoff. aka Wanna
Frank. Wanda Magnus
AfVr Magneto roscuod the Scadct Witch Irom certam death. she and hor brolhor >j«c*s**er twiime memfcors of t*s t3fottwnocxl ot EW Mutants Thaydfcfrft • v n that Magneto was actuały the* t.iUwf untu many yoars later.
Siudy iltg wiuhtnifl lt.tt hdpeJ the s..irlel I Tiuli Itottf her eontrol oirr het uiut.nii a
jkllitlet. . tfl
The twins wcreraiscd in the eastcrn P.uropean country ofTransu by a gypsy couplc and Wanda soon learned th.it she could cause strangc things to happcn. After accidentally inakmg a housc to burst mto Hanie,she was about to be stoncd as a witch when Magneto VkS arrned and saved her. Not rcalizing that lic was their 1|L real father. Wanda and Piętro took on costunied identities and joined his war against humamty. After ^ many battles with the X-Men. the twins abandoned Magneto and later joined the Avi \<.nRs in return for fuli m pardons for their past crimes. Over her brother s
objections, Wanda became attracted to the ssnihozoid ^ called theVision and began a long
romance with him. They were cvcntually
• : K',i s, ; jp \yv, I
7 lir Searlet WUth and the I Tsioa urer tnarried in the sanie (ertmony that unitęd Mantis and the Cotati.
HEIOHT 5ft 7 in WEIGHT 130 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Aubum
X-MenU (March 1964)
Objects sportanoousty txjrst mto tamo. mst or docay Hor t>ex hofts’ could afao dcttecl ftying objects and donjpt energy transmtssions or fietds Howovor. recent ewlenco seoms to mdcaie nut the Scariot Witch hos kat tw mutant powers.
Scarlet Witch
• Avcngers: The Yesterday Ouest (tpb)
1 Scarlet Witch taarns hor true (*»gns.
• The Vision and Scarlet Witch 01-12
The V<słon and Scartet Witch ioavo the Avnnyers and move to tho suburbs
• Avengers: Avengers Dtsassembled (tpb)
Tho Scartet Witch goos mad and attacks the Avengors. kdlng many of twr tormer oomrados.
• House Of M (tpb<
Tho Scarlet Witch rostoictures reaMy and elimnates most of U»e mutants on Earth.
Troubled Soul NNra
W i:uli łKo lvp.i: Mitd\ te.il
EreSfcMf* MOWA
tr.ut.itit .tbihisc' She rwnt;:.i!l\ .
powerfnl enougli to di te.it the dre.ułed Ejfc
Dormammu, the sorcerer supremę of an
alicn dimension. Howeecr. her itureased 'Bjraf
to h>se her grip on real i ty. She conjured up *Ą -••JBg
mugin.ir \ children and repeatedK WBjsBS3Ę[0:: , ;$8s(
e\pei ed tenipoi u\ bou:%
After atten
age to humaniry by seizing mental conuol
ofcvcry Computer on Harth. the Vision was disasscmblcd by thc US govcrnment. Dr. Pym and the lłi ack Panthku later rebnilt him, but be no longer possessed hutnan emotions. including the ability to lovc. His relationship with Wanda disintegrated aml rapidly ended in divorce.
The Scarlct Witch reccntly sulTercd yet another scvere mental brcakdown and launched a terrifying attack on her fellow Avengers that rosulted in the
_ destruction of the Avengcrs niansion and a number of tragic dcaths.
j She later used her powers to warp rcality aml perniancntly remove I the mutant gene and powers from most of the mutants on carth. including herself. TD
Throuflh gestures and mental concontration. tho Scariet Witch croates finito pockats ot fotce that can cCsmpt roo^ty. She can hurl these *hox-sfjłłwes" at her mtendod targets.
Stjftarng from a tyefikdown. the Scertot Witch nitcroo roality enoogh to dlsassemtoic the Awryets and etomiato most ol Earth’s mutants.