Amazon Stealth

Amazon Stealth
Complete Guide to a New Amazon Identity
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Now please continue reading Jð.
Please note: This eBook is copyrighted and not for resale or re-distribution.
Violators will be prosecuted.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
So What Happens When You Get Suspended from Amazon?
You will have an immediate account hold, all your listings will be blocked
forever, and your money will be held by Amazon for at least 90 days before
you can have it sent to your bank account. Not only will Amazon close your
current account, but they will store and track all of your computer
This includes your IP address, cookies, flash objects, and computer
hardware*(more about this later). Not only will they track these things on
your computer, but they will also store your Name, credit card number,
bank account number, email address, physical address, phone number, and
any other information you may have given to Amazon. Sounds easy right?
Let s begin the stealth&
Contents to Amazon Stealth:
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Outline of steps needed to take to get back on Amazon, each one of these
will be gone through in detail farther into this eBook.
" Remove Any Amazon Software from your computer. (Amazon bulk lister, etc.)
" Get organized. (Create a list for your Amazon Info. Have a list of information that
you have already given or used, and a list of new and current information you
will be using. )
" Create a Name (LLC- Preferred, DBA- Optional)
" Use Firefox- (Clear you cookies)
" Reset Your IP Address
" Change Your Router (Amazon will track you if you use the same modem/router)
" Remove and replace your NIC adapter ( More about this farther into the chapter)
" Create a new Address (Get a UPS suite address- recommended.)
" Set up a new phone number
" Obtain a new bank account under your LLC/DBA
" Create a new Debit card to verify your account
" Create your new Amazon Account
" List SLOWLY, and only items that you have not yet sold. (Don t start selling the
same items that you were suspended selling first.)
Always remember your goal to fool Amazon into thinking you are someone
else. ANY information you give that can be linked back to you may trigger
an account link and get your new Amazon account suspended. There are
many ways of messing up, so make sure you follow this guide carefully.
There are many ways Amazon uses your info to track you down, and we
will cover it in detail further on&
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 1: Remove Amazon Applications and Get Organized
With a new identity you will need a new Name.
To register on Amazon, they will first ask you for your first and last name. Try to use
something you will remember but has nothing to do with your actual suspended name.
Depending on which route you choose, you will need to open either a DBA or LLC.
I highly recommend getting a DBA, since with one you can name yourself whatever you
like, and officially use it to open a new bank account, debit card, and write/sign checks
all under your DBA. If a DBA is insufficient for your bank, you WILL NEED to open an
LLC, which means you will be an official business in your state. Then, open a business
bank account and use that for creating an Amazon account.
Thus, your real name will NEVER be shown to anyone. It will all be under your business
name/DBA whichever one you prefer the bank to use.
To open a DBA: You need to go to your secretary of state and fill out some paper
work. Use this for the First and Last Name section. However, this is not recommended
because most banks will not allow you to open a bank account under this without a
proper LLC/business so you might as well take the option below.
To get an LLC: You need to search Google,  (your state that you live in) articles of
organization and fill it out. Example: California Articles of Organization.
Once finished, you will need to send it to the address provided. After a couple of days,
they will file it for you in their records, and send you the paper back with a seal. That is
all that s needed to become an official business.
It is recommended to open up an LLC in the form of a name. There are lots of
businesses that are under a normal name, For Example: Tommy Hilfiger, Ed Hardy,
Louis Vuitton, etc.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Doing this, will enable you to use your created LLC for your First and Last name, and
use it as your business name when asked by Amazon. This way you essentially knock
two areas out with one name.
Using completely fake information is an option, however, we recommend using
another family member s information if it is available and they let you.
You can even use a friend s name and address; just make sure you ask them first!
Using someone else s information is an easy and fast way of getting back on Amazon, if
you don t have anyone to use, than this guide will help you create a separate and safe
identity. Either way, just something I thought I should point out.)
Then, create a new email. It is highly recommended to use Gmail, as sometimes
Amazon emails will come with a small tracking cookie that records your
information and sends it to them. This means, don t EVER read your old Amazon
emails once you are done with the process of reactivating your Amazon account.
Gmail does not allow tracking cookies to be sent. Other email accounts may or may not
allow this to go through. Therefore, we recommend Gmail.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
*Make a new email address relating your new business name that you will be creating.
Don t use your real name or your fake name either.
For your password, obviously make sure to use a different password. Don t ever try to
login with your old password, even on accident, you will be linked.
Stay Organized
This part is crucial if you think you may forget some of your information or
accidently use your suspended user information.
First, create an excel page, or grab a sheet of paper. Write down your suspended user
information; include everything, (bank info, credit cards, address, etc)
Then create a new page/sheet with your new information you plan on using and fill it in
as we go along.
Trust me; this will help you out once you get started. Imagine just one simple mistake
and you could have to start all over.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 2: IP Address, Cookies, and Tracking Info
Amazon tracks the cookies on your computer, and also records your IP
address and various other components. This step will outline everything you need
to know to avoid using the same information.
First, I would recommend going to your browser settings, and clearing your cookies and
all of your other data.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
This is what I mean, make sure you check everything.
This is what you will need to do if you use internet explorer. Other browsers have
different options. Just use a quick Google search for clearing cookies on your specific
You can also, as a safety add on, download this program to help you out:
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
After that, you will need to clear all of your flash cookies/objects. These ARE NOT
STORED ON YOUR COMPUTER, rather on Adobes website:
Make sure you delete all sites. This will prevent any Amazon tracking to take place.
Also please note, if you would rather skip this whole process, you can just
create a new user name/account on your computer.
Create another master account, and all of your information will be new. Your computer
only stores tracking cookies, and flash objects with each user, so every different user
has different cookies and objects.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
You can follow those steps outlined above to create a new user account.
Next, will be changing your IP address. Usually, with most website, including eBay, all
they care is that the IP address is changed; they do not track anything else.
This is where you will need to take extra caution. Changing your IP address is as easy
as resetting your modem if you have DSL internet.
To see what your IP address is and see if it has been changed, just go to
*So before you try to reset, make sure to write down your current IP and see
if it has changed.
If it has not, then you may have a static IP.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Here is some information on various IP address terms (feel free to skip this
section if you just want your stealth accountJð):
Internet Protocol Address:
This number is an exclusive number all information technology devices (printers, routers, modems,
et al) use which identifies and allows them the ability to communicate with each other on a
computer network. There is a standard of communication which is called an Internet Protocol
standard (IP).
In layman s terms it is the same as your home address. In order for you to receive snail mail at
home the sending party must have your correct mailing address (IP address) in your town
(network) or you do not receive bills, pizza coupons or your tax refund. The same is true for all
equipment on the internet.
Without this specific address, information cannot be received. IP addresses may either be assigned
permanently for an Email server/Business server or a permanent home resident or temporarily, from
a pool of available addresses (first come first serve) from your Internet Service Provider. A
permanent number may not be available in all areas and may cost extra so be sure to ask your ISP.
Dynamic IP:
One that is not static and could change at any time. This type of IP is issued to you from a pool of
IP addresses allocated by your ISP or DHCP Server. This is for a large number of customers that do
not require the same IP all the time for a variety of reasons. Your computer will automatically get
this number as it logs on to the network and saves you the trouble of having to know details
regarding the specific network configurations.
This number can be assigned to anyone using a dial-up connection, Wireless and High Speed
Internet connections. If you need to run your own email server or web server, it would be best to
have a static IP.
Static IP:
One that is fixed and never changes. This is in contrast to a dynamic IP which may change at any
time. Most ISP's a single static IP or a block of static IP's for a few extra bucks a month.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 3: IP Address/Nic Adaptor
After learning how your IP address works and how to reset it, you will need to purchase
a new router. There are plenty of ones for really cheap through Best Buy or Wal-Mart
that can be purchased. I would suggest getting one off eBay, as you can get
them for really cheap there.
Also your Internet Provider should be able to offer another one for you for either really
cheap or free even.
Here is what I mean:
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
After your purchase and replace one of these, you will also need a NIC adapter. This
is what your Ethernet cable goes into at the back of your actual computer. If you use
an Ethernet port that comes with your computer, and is soldered on your motherboard,
then you will need to buy a replacement to be able to use.
Here is an image of your NIC adaptor.
You can also purchase these easily on eBay or get one at your local electronics
Please note: If you have an Ethernet port like that is connected on your motherboard,
you will NOT need to remove it, but you will have to use another one. Just buy one that
is similar to the one above and plug your Ethernet cable into the new one that you
The reason for all of this, is that Amazon will and does RECORD your NIC address on
your computer, so the only way to avoid this is to purchase another one. Some users
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
suggest using a NEW COMPUTER, or a different computer that you have never logged
onto Amazon with.
This is a safe and EASY way of doing all of this. All you would need then is a
new router and you would be set to go. It is an option, but for us who don t have
another computer, this option will be safe as well.
Not only is it extremely important to change this, it is also vital to avoid any LINKING of
other accounts. Let s say you erase all of your cookies, flash objects, and even
change your IP, you WILL STILL GET LINKED.
With eBay, the changing of your NIC and your Router is not necessary. They do not
check this, 100% certain. However, Amazon does so you will need to follow these
Other Options:
You can get Dial Up Internet: Every time you dial in, you will be using a local
connection, so instead of using the same one, use a different one and your IP will not
be able to be tracked.
Use A VPN Provider: There are programs that cloak, and hide your IP address,
however I do not recommend them since sometimes they go OFFLINE, and your
identity could be seen through your similar IP.
Don t Use Proxies! They simply do not work and are not suggested.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 4: Creating a New Address
You have several options here.
Recommended is to use someone else s address, simply because it is fast and easy.
Make sure you can receive mail there as well, just in case anyone returns a package.
If this option is unavailable, you can easily open a PO BOX, however, these too I don t
suggest because Amazon will not like/accept PO boxes.
Therefore, what you need to do is OPEN A UPS suite.
It is much different than a regular PO Box at USPS. A UPS Suite will look like this:
3434 Some street
Suite 883 #243
Notice how there is no PO BOX in there? However you do use a similar box, but no one
will know.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
After registering a new address, you will need to input it into Amazon. Enter all the
fields below:
Adding a new phone number will be our next step. But before we do that, here are a
few pointers to note:
You CAN use a completely false address, let s say a McDonald s in your city, however, if
your buyer needs to return a product then you will not be able to receive it or have any
way of receiving the product. Use with caution, as you can always email your buyers in
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 5: New Phone Number
To get a phone number, is quite simple and easy. First, use another cell phone.
This can be as easy as using one of your relative s phone number, your parents, your
wife s, your son s or daughter s, anyone s except the one that you used.
Amazon cannot track who the phone number belongs to or whether it is linked to you.
If you cannot get another person s phone number, we recommend using one of the
other cell phone pre-paid service providers below:
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Besides the cell phone providers above, there are other options as well:
(Use at your own risk, options above are your best choice.)
1. Get a phone redirector. Meaning someone calls you at a specified number,
and it is automatically redirected to you. This is simple, yet may cost you more
than a TracFone.
2. Upgrade to a new cell phone and ask for a new number. This can be
easily done if your contract is expired or is about to expire. Just grab a new free
phone from your cell phone provider and ask for a new number.
3. Get another phone number provider. There are plenty of phone number
providers. Examples are Vonage, TollFreeForwarding, GotVMail, and Vumber.
You can also go to Wal-Mart or any other major retailer and purchase pre-paid cell
phones from them and activate them when you get home. This option is available as
well for those of you that can t register for the cell phone plans available above.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 6: New Bank Account & Credit Card
To get Amazon verified, you will need to enter new bank account information so they
can deposit funds, and you will also need to verify a credit card/debit card.
First off, let s open a bank account. You will need to have an LLC registered or a
new business name. We will be opening a bank account under a business name, so an
LLC will most likely be required, but sometimes a DBA is sufficient. Once you get your
LLC, just visit your local bank branch and open an account all under your LLC, and
make sure to tell them that you want a business account. Once you open a bank
account, simply add it to your Amazon account. If you had opened one under your
name, then Amazon would easily see your name on the account and link your accounts
together, and ultimately get you suspended again.
From the picture above: You will need a new account number, however the routing
number can be the same. All it means is that you opened a new account from the same
Also just a quick note: Let s say you opened a bank account with Chase. You go back
to Chase to open a business account. This is completely fine. You do not need to go to
a different bank. Your routing number can and will still be the same since it is the same
bank; however, your account number will be different.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
RECOMMENDED #1 Gift (Credit) Cards-
To get a verified anonymous credit card, you will need to purchase a pre-paid card.
This is the EASIEST ROUTE to go and will leave you completely anonymous. Just have
a small balance on the card, just for verification purposes and so you can add it to your
Recommended for Privacy and Convenience
After you click on the link above, you will have the ability to purchase a gift card under
a fake name. No social security check is needed, which MOST providers require. Just
put in the smallest amount you can of 25 dollars and have it sent to your address.
Then, just link it to your Amazon account and you are done with this step!
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Alternatives to Gift (Credit) Cards-
Alternative Anonymous Credit Card Provider and Bank Account
After you click on the link above, you will be allowed to create an account, which can
serve as a bank account and also your credit card.
This can be very convenient; however they require a lot more information from you,
and also require a social security number. However, they keep it secret from Amazon
and any other sites you may use the card on.
(If the two above credit card providers don t work with you or your situation,
try the other providers I have included as well. Click on each of the links
below to find out more and pick one that works.)
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Other Alternatives:
Make sure to check each one of the links below. Some have advantages over the
others. Try to pick credit card that works with your situation the best.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Money Cards and Debit Cards-
There are also other options that you can go with:
1. Simon Gift Card
2. All Access
3. Vanilla MasterCard Gift Card
4. Deluxe Card
Just do a quick Google search for any of the above and you will find the link to their
website so you can sign up.
Please note: You will not get suspended or blocked by using a gift card. It is
completely safe and easy to do, so if you do get suspended it is not because of that.
Also, make sure to note which credit card you use with what account. If you are
planning on opening multiple Amazon accounts, do NOT add the same card number to
more than one account, if you do then you will be automatically linked and blocked.
Also, Amazon constantly updates their card number requirements, so some
cards may or may not work that are mentioned above.
Some Amazon may reject, and some they may accept. Depending on which card you
use, you can easily try another one since they are fairly cost efficient to purchase if
Amazon does reject your card.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 7: New Email Address
Now, to create a new email address. This is extremely easy. Just go to your
favorite email provider, and sign up as a new account. Make sure you use your business
name or some kind of similar name, and don t use anything that can be similar/linked to
your original account.
We recommend Gmail, since sometimes Amazon sends emails with tracking cookies,
and these can link you if you forget to delete your information in your cookies and
logged on to both accounts. If you don t ever plan on using your suspended
account/logging in on it, then any email provider works fine.
Best email providers:
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Step 8: Creating Your Account
Once you have completed all the steps above, it is time to create your account. Use all
the information that you gathered, and make sure to keep an excel spreadsheet with all
of your information if you plan on creating multiple Amazon stealth accounts.
Once you have created your account, you will need to make sure you follow these tips
on selling on Amazon to prevent any further limitations or linking.
First, if you sell using a drop shipper, then it is extremely important that you
DON T list the items that you were suspended/blocked with when you were
selling on your old account.
Amazon is unlike eBay and other selling sites, in which all of their items are predefined
and you cannot customize anything about them, this gives them the edge over you. So
to avoid this, make sure you don t list similar items, and just list other items first until a
couple weeks then you can start selling your items that you were banned with as long
as you have a steady stream of new products to minimize your chances of being
Second, to avoid limitations, don t start selling a lot at once.
Selling around 5 new products a day is fine, but avoid adding more than 20 a day since
you will get limited fast. Also please note: Every NEW SELLER will eventually get limited
by Amazon, it is not necessarily bad for this to happen, since everyone has to go
through this, and that is just simply how Amazon works. You can try to reduce the time
it takes to get reinstated greatly by following our guidelines above.
Third, make sure you add a logo to your selling account, edit all of your
information/about me section of your Amazon account.
Remember you want to make Amazon the least suspicious of you and have no way in
linking you. Doing will also greatly reduce your chances of getting linked.
Most importantly, LIST SLOWLY.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Amazon Rules/Regulations:
For new sellers, it is extremely important to keep your ratings up.
Encourage everyone you sell to, to leave you positive feedback with 5 stars. If no one
leaves you feedback, which is common on Amazon, they will limit your account, and
you won t be able to sell until they unlimit you again.
Also, make sure to not allow A-Z guarantee claims of EVER HAPPENING!
These will hurt your account and just a 1-2 of these can automatically get you
suspended from selling on Amazon again. To avoid this, the moment a buyer has a
problem, just have them send the item back. Even if your return policy has expired, but
the 60 day A-Z length hasn t, it doesn t matter since Amazon will still accept their claim
and you will need to offer a refund anyways. So, in order to save yourself from a claim,
just offer them a refund once they return the item to you.
If your account does get limited, make sure you appeal it straight away and
answer with an explanation of how you will fix whatever it is they say you
need to improve on.
After that they will more than likely reinstate you, however it is quite a hassle since you
will sometimes need to unblock all of your listings, so it is best to try and avoid this.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Some Wholesalers To Increase Sales:
Recommended Above All-
Click on the link above and register for THE best place for online wholesalers
and drop shippers.
Yes, the price is quite expensive, $299.99, but it is for a lifetime membership that never
expires. Imagine paying 30-40 dollars a month, this would easily add up to more than
300 dollars over just a couple of months!
They have thousands of verified drop shippers and wholesalers for any product! Make
sure to try them out if you are looking for a huge database that can t be beat!
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Also Recommended:
- List of wholesalers and drop
shippers. They have special contracts
with major retailers that can offer you
great discounts that you can t find
anywhere else. Multiple areas to buy
products and more! Click on the link
to find out more!
- Wholesale Returned/Open box items
available in large quantities. Excellent
site for reselling used products for
double or even triple their value! Try
them out!
- Large list of products for drop ship
with the largest and most affordable
drop shipper out there. Click on the
link to the left and register for free!
Check out their inventory and
purchase sample products for free!
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Other wholesale/drop ship directories:
Check each one out above and see if what they have to offer is right for you.
If nothing above works for you, Google is your solution. Just search your product that
you want to sell, along with wholesaler, supplier, or drop ship keywords along with it.
For example: adidas shoe supplier
You will get numerous of results, but it is your job to look through each one and decide
whether they are a legitimate company to trade with or not. That is why
WorldWideBrands is excellent since they do not add unverified sellers to their site. They
specifically check each one and then approve them in their massive database.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Quick Overview of Major Points:
" Remove Any Amazon Software from your computer. (Amazon bulk lister, etc.)
" Get organized. (Create a list for your Amazon Info. Have a list of information that
you have already given or used, and a list of new and current information you
will be using. )
" Create a Name (LLC- Preferred, DBA- Optional)
" Use Firefox- (Clear you cookies)
" Reset Your IP Address
" Change Your Router (Amazon will track you if you use the same modem/router)
" Remove and replace your NIC adapter ( More about this farther into the chapter)
" Create a new Address (Get a UPS suite address- recommended.)
" Set up a new phone number
" Obtain a new bank account under your LLC/DBA
" Create a new Debit card to verify your account
" Create your new Amazon Account
" List SLOWLY, and only items that you have not yet sold. (Don t start selling the
same items that you were suspended selling first.)
If you follow all the steps outlined above, you will guarantee yourself a new Amazon
account functioning at 100%. If for some reason, you are linked to an existing account,
one of the steps above was missed or was done incorrectly. All it takes is one mistake.
Let s say you type in an old password to your new account. That could be enough to
link you. So be careful!
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Extra Offers and Discounts:
Domain Registration: GoDaddy has an offer of around 10 dollars per domain,
however if you use the link below and enter the coupon code we have made available
for you, you will get it for $6.99. This is one of the lowest prices on a domain!
COUPON CODE: yhkw105a
(You must use the link above, and input the code above during checkout.)
Web Hosting: We recommend WebHostingPad since they have the lowest prices out
of all of the other competitors. Use the link below and register, and you will get the
special promotional offer of 1.99 per month and $25 dollars off your payment!
COUPON CODE: revpad25
(You must use the link above, and input the code above during checkout.)
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
That should be it! We hope you learned a lot from reading this guide, and remember to
follow each of the steps to remain completely anonymous. Also, the steps outlined
above are completely safe and legal to use since you are registering as a business and
not creating another account on your name.
Reminder if you have not done so yet:
Important Step to Receive Future Updates/Answers:
Make sure that you have confirmed your email address when you
signed up, in order to receive news and future updates!
New stealth security measures are always added and improved, and the
only way to keep updated on this is by becoming a subscriber to our
mailing list.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010
Hope you enjoyed reading and all the best on your new AMAZON ACCOUNT!
Good Luck!
- AmazonStealth Team
All the information in this eBook is copyright of Countless of hours and time went
into writing this eBook, making sure not to leave anything out.
© 2010 AmazonStealth Version 1.7 2010


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