103 be bytopic outsourcing2

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Business English Practice Quiz | Topic: Outsourcing 1
Choose the correct response to complete each of the following sentences:
1. The decision to outsource is often made _________________________ lowering costs.
a) in the interest of b) in terms of c) in light of
2. The process of __________________________ is similar to outsourcing, but it refers to finding the
cheapest products, not services.
a) global sourcing b) global searching c) globe searching
3. "Offshore outsourcing" refers to outsourcing __________________________.
a) to an island b) to another city c) to another country
4. One of the benefits of offshore outsourcing are the lower _________________________ in
developing countries.
a) work costs b) labor costs c) labor charges
5. Economically speaking, Canada is not a __________________________ country. Bangladesh is a
__________________________ country.
a) developed b) devalued c) developing
6. What is the opposite of outsourcing?
a) Doing something "in-house"/ insourcing b) introspection c) offshore outsourcing
7. Another benefit of outsourcing is that in many developing countries, there are fewer
_______________________. (This can also be seen as a negative thing from an ethical point of view)
a) workers' rights laws b) work right laws c) worker's laws
8. Proponents of outsourcing claim that it allows companies to develop competitive strategies that will
help them compete in the __________________________ marketplace.
a) worldly b) globally c) global
9. _____________________ of outsourcing claim that the quality of a service is usually worse when it
is outsource.
a) Haters b) Opponents c) Supporters
10. Another __________________________ of outsourcing is that many people in developed
countries become unemployed when their jobs are moved offshore/abroad.
a) positive aspect b) criticism c) critic
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Business English Practice Quiz | Topic: Outsourcing 1
1) a 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) b 10) b


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