Upžat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 052

Upžat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 052

Case studies

3    Find a quiet place you

feel comfortable. Read a good book, listen to some musie and chill out!

4    If you're worrled about

exams. make a list of the thmgs you need to revise. Cross them out when you've done them.

Anna, 15. has a stepsister friends were driving her crazy.

‘My stepsister’s friends sometimes came into my room and borrowed my CDs when I was out. I wasn't happy about it. One day I iost my temper and shouted at them. Mum and I had a big argument, but then we discussed it. Now my stepdad has given me a lock for my room.’

Joe, 16, has an older brother is always top of the class.

‘My brother's really clever and I wanted to be the same as him.

I studied all the time and I got very stressed. In the end I was ill. I took time out and joined a sports club. That was the best thing l’ve ever done. Now l'm much morę relaxed.’


6 Join the sentences. Use who, which, where or whose. Then, when possible, write a second sentence omitting the relative pronoun.

1    They*re the people. I met them last night.

They re the people who I met last night.

They're the people I met last night.

2    That’s the place. I go there to relax.

3    Choose an activity. You enjoy it.

4    She s the person. She teaches yoga.

5    Hes the boy. His brother’s very clever.

6    This is the musie. It helps me relax.

7    There s the girl. We were talkmg about her.

8    Is this the book? You were looking for it.


6 Look at the example and establish that Ss must join the sentences with a relative pronoun. They should write a second sentence omitting the pronoun if it is possible. If time is short they can simply put brackets around the pronoun.

Answer key

2    That’s the place (where) I go to relax.

3    Choose an activity (which/that) you enjoy.

4    She's the person who/that teaches yoga.


7 Complete the profile with your own ideas. Then compare with a partner.

1 I don't •ike people who are rude.

My profile

1    I don’t like people who ...

2    I like going on holiday to places where ...

3    l've got some friends who ...

4    I like films which ...

5    I preter food which ...

Pronunciation: /x/ can, /a:/ party

8 i Go to page 134.


9 i Read the text. Then listen and answerthe guestions.

James. 16. had some problems

which stopped him sleeping.

'I was feeling really tired and stressec. Łuckily, my teacher noticed and gave me some good advice. I feel much better now.’

1    Why is James tired?

2    What is he worried about?

3    What does he do when he gets home from school?

4    What does his teacher say he should do?

Extra practice

For morę practice, go to page 122.



7 Tell Ss they are going to describe their personality and likes/dislikes. Write the first sentence on the board and ask them to suggest possible endings. Ss can then write continuations for the sentences. Impress on them that the sentences should be true. Monitor their writing. Pairs can tell each other some of their sentences when they finish. Share ideas as a class. Which students have similar profiles?

Pronunciation: /ac/ can, /a:/ party

b 1.36 Ask Ss to tum to page 134 and say the words in order to put them iii the correct lists. They then listen and check. Get Ss to repeat the words chorally.

Answer key

/ae/ and, as, at. can, dad, exams, had, relax, that

/a:/ answer, are, arguments, article. aunt, can’t, class, father, party

C 1.37 Ss listen and repeat the sentences.


9 1.38 Ask Ss to look at the photo. Give them time to read the questions before they read and listen to the case study. Let Ss compare their answers before playing the recording a second time if necessary.

Answer key

1 His baby sister wakes him at night. 2 exams 3 He has dinner, studies and then goes to bed. 4 He should relax after his homework by watching 7V or listening to musie.

Extra practice

See page 122 in the SB.

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