Upľat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 057

Upľat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 057

(no?) + aa|ective/aavero -+• enougn to Vocabulary Transport

Adjectives and nouns of measurement

Vocabulary: Transport

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i: oispu: Ĺ‚ eon yuu nomu ; unutr. u icWord bank on page 132.

car, tram. bus...

1    Recall Books closed, give Ss two minutco (in pairs) to write as many forrns of transport as they can. See which pair has the longest list. Let them open their books and look at the photos before checking their answers in the Word bank on page 132.


2    1.45 Ask Ss if anyone has visited London and/or if they can name the types of transport in the pictures. Tell them the text is about travel in London. Give them a few mmutes to read the article and decide which method of transport they prefer.


3 Allow Ss to read through the statements. Ss can work in pairs to match a statement and a paragraph. Let them compare ideas before checking.

Answer key


Solve it!

4 Ss look back at the text to find the answer. Encourage competition to see who will be first to find out the answer, if you think your class will like it.




Read the article. Which method of transport would you like to use in London?


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London is fuli of fantastic places to visit, but it isn’t always easy to get around. So, if you’re planning a trip, read our top tips first!

Anolhcr option is the underground. Its easy "and quick. over long or short distances.

The London underground is about 150 years old. The total length of the underground system is 408 kilometres. Sonie of the tunnels are 75 metres decp.

Donl go by car! It'$    difficult park

and cars movc slowly bcpractical.

The average speed ol a car in central London is about twelve kilometres per hour!



3 II you arent worried about the cost, London taxis are greal. Taxi drivers know cvery Street in London.

It s very difficult to become a London taxi driver. You have to pass a big test. II you don t know London well    pass the test.

you don’t get a taxi Hcence.

It you can*t afford a taxi, catch a bus. You II have a great view from the top of a double-decker.

Londons double-decker buses are about four and a half metres high.

Cycling is possibly the fastest way to go, so ,vhy not hirc a bike? Dont worry if you arent bravc    cyclc on the roads. You can

cycle through parks, too.

About one third of central London is parki and. Hyde Park is the biggest park.


Ifyoureenergetie    walk, its ihc

best way to see the city.

Hie Millennium Bridge crosses the Rivcr Thamcs and is only for pedestrians. Its 325 metres long and four metres wide. It opened in 2000. and about 100,000 peoplc crossed it on its first d a v.


Answer key

ten minutes


Tell Ss to read the sentences in the box. Ask individuals to read the sentences aloud. Ss listen and repeat chorally. Ask Ss Is too positive or negative? (negative) Is too the same as verv? (no).


5 Do the first example as a class before putting Ss in pairs to compiete the exercise.

Answer key

2 Jack is too busy to go out. 3 David doesn’t knows London well enough to become a taxi driver. 4 Ellie sings too badly to perform in public. 5 Ned doesn’t/didn’t practise hard enough to be in the team. 6 This coffee is too hot to drink. 7 Your pictures are good enough to be in an art gallery. 8 That film is too boring to watch.

6 Ask Ss to look at the example and elicit possible sentences with too/enough. Establish that there are various possible answers. Ss can work in pairs to compiete the exercise. Once the exercise is completed. they can write sentences about themselves. Answers will vary.

Answer key

Suggested answers

2 I get/got up too late/l don’t/didn’t get up early enough 3 Tm too young/Tm not old enough 4 I run too slowly/l don’t run fast enough 5 l’m not confident enough/rm too shy



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