Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 072

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 072

Exam link

4a Write three questions to ask astronauts who are on a space station and guess their answers. Use the ideas below.

•    clothes • free time • jobs • problems

•    contact with home

b Roleplay an inten/iew. One of you is an astrnnaut and the other is a reporter.

Exam task

5    CK* UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi astronautów. PrzyporzÄ…dkuj każdej wypowiedzi odpowiedni temat, wpisujÄ…c litery a-e w kratki 1-4. Jeden temat nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

a)    Contact with family on Earth.

b)    Getting on with each other.

c)    Jobs on the space station.

d)    Spending free time on the space station.

e)    Clothes they have on the space station.

6    <» Listen again. What exactly did the astronauts say about these topics? Did you think of the same thlngs In Exercise 4?

Exam task

7    io UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji radiowej. UzupeÅ‚nij luki 1-7 informacjami zgodnymi z treÅ›ciÄ… nagrania.

Exam task

9 Przyjrzyj siÄ™ poniższej Ilustracji. UzupeÅ‚nij luki 1-5 w jej opisie, wybierajÄ…c jednÄ… z podanych możliwoÅ›ci a, b lub c.

This photo shows two children at some kind

of a 1    . There is a girl and her?_brother.

standing by 3_. They are lookmg at some

brochures or leaflets. A woman is showing the girl something in her brochure. I think she’s probably 4_. On the eft we can see aÅ_.

1    a) shop

2    a) younger

3    a) a fountain

4    a) their mum

b) space station b) twm b) a cesk

b) a shop assistant

5 a) spacecraft b) rocket

c) museum c) older c) Ihe stairs c) a museum worker c) space suit

contmuous). Encourage Ss to use their imagination as well as draw on what they have learnt in this lesson.

b This question serves as an introduction to the next exercise. It there are Ss who have visited a space museum, ask them additional questions to get morÄ™ feedback from them.

Exam task


In this task type Ss have to complete a photo description by choosing one of the options trom the list. Tell Ss that only one of them describes the photo correctly.

9 Elicit the correct answers.

Answer key


Exam task

DatÄ™ of space travel: September '

Length of time in space: ten :_

Job: ’_

Born in: ‘_

Now lives in: *_

Main task while in space: scientific *_______

Famous for writing a:

83 Imaglne you have just returned from a trip to a space station. Wrlte a blog about your experiences and feelings.

b Have you ever been to a space museum?

What was it like?

u Exam strategies and exercises - go to page

10 PrzyporzÄ…dkuj każdej wypowiedzi wÅ‚aÅ›ciwÄ… reakcjÄ™, wpisujÄ…c litery a-e w kratki 1-4. Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

1    What on earth are you domg?

2    How do I get to the museum of space travei9

3    Wouid you like scme saiad?

4    Do you fancy playtng this Space Station gamÄ™ with me?

a)    No. thanks. I ve just nad lunch.

b)    Go down this road and it’s on the right.

c)    Sorry. I can‘t. I’m busy.

d)    I wouldn’t like to travel in space.

e)    l'm reading an astronauts blog.


Design a poster for a travel agency, trips to a space station.

Find some photos that show lite on a station and write captions for each picture.


X2 in the Language Builder. U u JJJ

Exam task


In this task type Ss have to match appropriate reactions to statements or questions in English. Rernind Ss that there is one reaction they will not need.

10 To check answers. ask two Ss to role play the situations.

Answer key

1 e 2 b 3a 4c


Further practice and guidance: go to page 43 in the Language Builder.

Exam task


In this task Ss have to complete the missing information. They can write only on£ word or one number in each gap. Advise them to read the task carefully before they listen. and tiy to predict what type of information is missing (e.g. a number, name. noun, etc.).


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7    2.10 Play the recording twice and elicit the correct answers. Ask individual Ss to write the answers on the board to make surÄ™ Ss can spell the answers correctly.

Answer key

1 2006 2 days 3 businesswoman 4 Iran

5 the l JSA 6 experiments 7 blog

8    a You could set this task for homework.

Tell Ss to write their blogs on separate pieces of paper because they will put them uo on Ihe class^oom walls next


Unregistered version


You may either set this task for homework or do it in class as a separate lesson. In groups of three or four Ss look for pictures which cover the areas from the lesson. You could give different groups different areas to focus on. Encourage Ss to use all available resources. Each group presents their project to the class.

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