Upat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 090

Upat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 090

Exam strategies and exercises - go to page 58 in the Language Builder. ^ O


In this task type Ss have to match dialogues to the correct event. Tell Ss that the whole conversation, not just separate words, must match the given event.

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wstawiając w Kazaą iuxę jecen wyraz, i«ik aoy otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.


We eon produce less carbon dioxide or ‘reduce our carbon footprints’. Herc arc somc ways to do it.

Use less electricity:1__    example, always switch off

iiglus and dom leave the TV on when you arenl watching U.

Save Oli: walk or cycle to school, or usc public transport.

Bc carcful with what you buy. Air miles,:_tell us how

far food travels, ________reduced if you buy local food.

ic when you recyde things such ł_paper

and cans, the materiał 5._used again, and this saves


c) Everything. Cans. bottles. paper and plastic. 3 Reporter pyta cię. co się działo w czasie

Answer key

huraganu. Jak odpowiesz?

1 c 2 c 3 b

a) We used to go out morę.

b)    We weren't able to leave our house for three days.

c)    I think we were travelling at over 200 kph. Project

Find out about organisations that a to reduce the carbon footprint in Write a short article about them.

5    Ss can werk in smali groups. Monitor but try not to interrupt Ss’ fluency. Make a notę of any common problems to go over with the class afterwards. Ask different groups to report back to the class. If the second guestion is too challenging, give Ss some clues as to the ways people can help others in such disasters.

6    a Tell Ss that they should notę which

phrases are followed by a comma and which by a noun. Elicit their findings. b Ss can work individually to choose the correct option.

Answer key

1 for 2 which 3 are 4 as 5 is

to compare their answers. Then they give feedback to the class.

Exam task


In this task type Ss have to choose the correct reactions in situations which are described in Polish. Tell Ss that all the options are grammatically correct but only one of them will fit the context.

Exam ■Ł,.,,

3 Przeć; tytaj artykuł; Zpouaitych odpowiedzi a,

b i c wyb!

1    Carbon dioxide is

a)    produced by global warmmg.

b)    a kind of fossil fuel.

c)    a cause of global warming.

2    Forestfires

a)    are worst in Africa.

b)    are a bigger problem in a drought.

c)    happen only in a drought.

3    Floods

a)    are not very dangerous in Bangladesh.

b)    happen when sea levels are higher

c)    killed people in New Orleans and Burma.

4    The main idea of the article is that

a)    many natural disasters happen because of global warming.

b)    all natural disasters are caused by people.

c)    there is nothing we can do to stop global warming.

Exam task

:£> Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi. Przyporządkuj każdemu dialogowi odpowiednią klęskę żywiołową, wpisując litery a-d w kratki 1-3. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.

i- 2^3n

a) hurricane    c) flood

b) drought    d) forest fire

5    Discuss these questions.

1    Have any of these disasters ever happened in Poland/your area? What happened?

2    How can you help people in such disasters?

Ba Underline sentences in the text which have the linking phrases from the box below.

• for example • such as • as a result • so

b Complete the sentences using the correct linking phrase from Exercise 6a.

1    These days morę and morę people have

computers__morę electricity is used.

2    In countries_Brazil, rivers and lakes are


3    Sea levels are nsing._. there are floods.

4    We can do something about it._. we can

save energy

Exam task

4 2.35 Play the recording twice. Remind Ss that there is one event they will not need.

Answer key

1 d 2a 3b

8    Read the text in Exercise 7 again. Notę down what you can do to reduce global warming. How many of these things do you already do?

Exam task

9    Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b I c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1    Twój kolega twierdzi, ze globalne ocieplenie to me problem. Jak się z nim me zgodzisz?

a)    Really? How annoying!

b)    No problem don’t worry.

c)    Actually, I think you re wrong.

2    Podchodzi do ciebie dziennikarka i pyta. jakie śmieci sortuje twoja rodzina. Jak odpowiesz?

a)    l’m not surę I agree.

b)    It s important to recycle to stop waste.

7 Elicit the correct answers.


Further practice and guidance:


go to page 59 in the Language




8 Ss can work in smali groups

9 Check the answers with your Ss.

Optional Extra

You could ask Ss to describe in Polish the context in which the remaining phrases could be used.


Ask Ss if they know of any local business that is trying to reduce the carbon footprint in Poland. They may need to research this, so you could set this task for homework. Remind Ss of the linking phrases they have learnt in this lesson.



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