Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 094

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 094

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wriw me

1    Tm excited abouÅ‚ the course.' Polly and Greg

2    Tm not very confident'

3    â€˜I may hurt myself.’

4    *lt’s very safe.’

5    *l dorTt want to get wet.’

6    'The weather isn’t important.’

7    'Relax. you two.’

adjectives in the box using un-, in- or im-. Then listen, check and repeat.


Solve it!

3 Which centre are they going to, Scotland or South Wales?


First conditional with if/unless

You'll be fine if youYe sensible.

It won’t be much fun if it rains.

It’ll be great unless something goes wrong.

will futurÄ™ with when/as soon as

TheyMI assess us when we get there.

It'll probably start pouring down as soon as we arrive!


A Some friends are going on a trip to London. Choose the correct options, then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1    If/When we hurry (hurry). we7/ catch (catch) the one o'clock train.

2    We (buy) the tickets if/when we (get) to the station.

3    We (have) some sandwiches on the train if/unless we (be) hungry.

4    As soon as/Unless we_(arrive), we_

(take) the underground to the theatre.

5    We_(not miss) the start of the show as

soon as/unless the train (be) late.

6    Unless/When the show (finish) we

1    /nformal    8    friendly    15    __patient

2    ^mpossible    9 __happy    16    pleasant

3    unfit    10 __healthy    17_popular

4 _attractive    11    _interestmg    18    practicai

5    comfortable    12_kind    19_tidy

6 _dependent    13_likely    20_usual

7    experienced    14    necessary

b Complete with the adjectives in the box.

1    I can t run tast. I m tco unfit.

2    Jack is too_to wait in a queue.

3    You can wear jeans. The party will be very

4    I don’t like these chairs. TheyYe so_.

5    You shouldrYt eat chips every day. TheyYe _.

6    Your room is a mess. YouYe so_.

7    We can*t predict the futurÄ™. It’s_.

8    This musie is strange. It’s very _ .

Listen and write

6a m - Greg is preparing for the adventure course. What does he need? Listen to the conversation and complete the table.




waterproof jacket

might ram



if rains - wet feet


ative or I describe n tell why.

Example: l'm independent because I like doing things by myself.

Listen and write

6 a 2.44 Show Ss the table and ask them to copy it into their notebooks. but a little larger to allow morÄ™ space for writing. Explam that Greg is preparing for the adventure course and that they should use this table to record the details of his preparations.

Answer key

See Table 8B.6

(have) a pizza.

b Use the table to complete the instructions and reasons why.

V Take a waterproof jccket because it might rain. X Don't take...

Extra practice

For morę practice, go to page 126. w» ^


b Encourage Ss to compare and add to their answers before they listen again and check their notes. Summarise the answers to the board. Demonstrate how to turn the notes into instructions and reasons with the example from the book. then ask Ss to work alone to write sentences.

Answer key

Take thick socks because your feet will hurt. Take extra socks because your feet might get wet. Take thin jumpers because you might get hot. Take a water bottle because you might get dehydrated. Don't take jeans because theyll be uncomfortable if they get wet. Don't take a thick jumper because it'll be too heavy to carry.

that these are added to the words in the box to make their meaning opposite. Ss can work alone to apply the prefixes. Encourage them to guess if they don't know. Ss Hien listen and check/correct their ideas.

Answer key

4 unattractive 5 uncomfortable 6 independent 7 inexperienced 8 unfriendly 9 unhappy 10 unhealthy 11 uninteresting 12 unkind 13 unlikely 14 unnecessary 15 impatient 16 unpleasant 17 untidy 18 unusual 19 impractical 20 unpopular

b Ss can work in pairs to complete the sentences.

Answer key

2 impatient 3 informal 4 uncomfortable 5 unhealthy 6 untidy 7 impossible 8 unusual

Extra practice

Ss go to page 126 in the SB.

Table 8B.6




Walking shoes Tnick socks Extra socks T-shirts/thin jumpers Water bottle

MorÄ™ comfortable

Feet will hurt

Feet might get wet

Can take off and not get cold

Get dehydrated



Thick jumper

Wet/uncomfortable Too big/heavy to carn/



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