Wh- questions
Reported questions
She asked (me) how old I was
She asked (me) where I went to school.
Sh© asked (m©) whon I had etarted playing football.
Reported questions
She asked (me) if she could speak to Toby.
She asked (me) if l’d always wanted to be a footballer. She asked (me) if famę would change me.
Direct questions *How old are you?'
‘Where do you go to school?’
*Wh©n did you start playing football?’
Yes/No questions
Direct questions 'Can I speak to Toby?'
*Have you always wanted to be a footballer?’ ‘Will famę change you?’
A Report Marsha's questions for Toby.
1 She asked which team I supported.
1 Which team do you support?
2 What do your parents think about it?
3 Have you met the other players yet?
4 Will you still go to school?
5 Can I have a photo?
6 When did you sign?
7 How many brothers and sisters do you have?
8 Are you nervous?
5 & Listen and then report the questions.
1 He asked (me) what my name was.
2 She asked (me) if I lived in London.
Speak on the phone
0 50 Listen and repeat. Then practise the conversation in pairs.
A: Hello?
B: Oh. hello. This is Sandra Smith. Could I speak to Ted. please?
A: l’m sorry. I’m afraid he's out. Can I take a message? B: Yes, please. Can you tell him to meet us at 8 p.m.? A: OK. surę. I’ll tell him wnen he gets back.
Answer the phone
Hello. Ben speaking.
Say who you are Hello. This is Sandra.
Hi. It’s Sandra here.
Ask for somebody Is Ben there?
Can/Could/May I speak to Ben. please? Respond Speaking.
Just a moment./Hang on. M get him/her.
- I’m sorry/l m afraid he’s/she's out.
Can I take a message?
7 Practise the conversation in pairs. Then exchange roles.
Student A: You want to speak to Lukę. Phone his home number and ask to speak to him. Leave a message about tonight. Say where you’re meeting and what time. Student B: Lukę is out. Answer the phone and take a message.
For morę practice, go to page 127. j >j u ^
6 2.59 Ask Ss if they remember any phrases used when talking on the phone. Write any ideas on the board. Ask Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue. Read through the exchanges and check Ss understand what they mean.
7 Ss should practise the dialogue again without looking at their books. When they are confioent, encourage thern to use the prompts to improvise their own telephone conversation. Ask a good pair to conduct their roleplay in front of the class before switching roles and doing it again. This time encourage them to do so without looking at the prompts.
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