Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 126

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 126


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iFTell them to read the summaries carefully first, underlining the key expressions.

Exam task

5 Przyjrzyj siÄ™ poniższej ilustracji. Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 1-2. Udziel odpowiedzi peÅ‚nymi zdaniami.

1    What is the person wearing?

2    What would you do if you saw someone breaking into a car?

1    Where can you find CCTV cameras in the UK?

2    What’s their purpose'-

3    Are there many cameras like this in your area?

Exam task

7    . ?7 UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi na temat monitoringu. PrzyporzÄ…dkuj każdej wypowiedzi zdanie podsumowujÄ…ce jej treść, wpisujÄ…c litory a-d w kratki 1-3. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

11_I 2_ 3|J

a)    The CCTV cameras take away our freedom.

b)    We dont need so many cameras.

c)    The CCTV cameras can be a great heip to all of us.

d)    Only criminals should be afraid.

8    Discuss these questions.

1    Which person from Exercise 7 do you agree with?

2    Do you think the cameras are a good idea? Why/Why not?

Exam task

3 Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w jÄ™zyku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz wÅ‚aÅ›ciwÄ… reakcjÄ™.

1    Twoja mÅ‚odsza siostra zgubita sie w centrum handlowym. Jak poprosisz ochroniarza o pomoc?

a)    Could you help me find my younger sister?

b) Do you know my ycunger sister?

c)    Would you mmd lookmg after my younger sister?

2    Kolega prosi ciÄ™ o nie egalne Å›ciÄ…gniÄ™cie filmu z Internetu. Jak odmówisz?

a)    It doesn't matter.

b) Sorry. I m afraid I can t.

c)    l'm afraid I don t agree.

3    Jak zaproponujesz koleżance wspólne obejrzenie filmu dokumentalnego?

a)    What's your favouriie type of TV programme?

b) Why don't we watch this new documentary?

c)    How long is this documentary about crime?

Exam strategies and exercises - go to page 90 in the Language Builder. u o O <J    109


CCTV: the use of video cameras to transmit images. CCTV is commonly used to deter crime in the UK.

Big Brother: in George Orwelfs novel.

1984, published in 1949, Big Brother is the fictional controller of the State who can see everything. The term is now commonly used to refer to government agencies that are mvolved in monitoring people's freedom. It is also the name of a Reality TV show where people are on camera 24 hours a day.

6 Introduce the subject of CCTV cameras using the picture. After Ss have read the text. they should work in pairs or threes to discuss the puestions. Encourage them to give reasons for their opinions. Elicit Ss' feedback.

Answer key

1    You can find CC7V cameras in shopping centres, car parks, sports stadiums, hotels and stations.

2    Suggested answer: They help keep those places safe.

3    Students' own answers

7 3.27 Wl lei i elicilir»y arlswers. ask Ss to justify their choices.

Answer key

1 d 2 c 3a


Further practice and guidance: go to page 91 in the Language Builder.

8 Ss can work in smali groups first. Then elicit their ideas.

Optional Extra

You could ask Ss to write their answer to the question: is CCJV necessary in schools?

Exam task

9 Elicit the correct answers.

Answer key

1 a 2b 3b

Optional Extra

You could ask Ss to work in pairs, choose one of the three correct answers and prepare short corwersations, using the chosen answer.


Further practice and guidance: go to page 91 in the Language Builder.



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