Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 134

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 134

7 -v> Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog.

Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1    Emmas mother and father

a)    haven't decided what to do yet.

b) want Emma to go on the expedition.

c)    think Emma should stay

2    Emma s father

a)    won’t go to work at all while Emma is away.

b)    will work some of the time while Emma is away.

c)    will work all of the time while Emma is away.

3    They will get to Liverpool by

Answer key

Her mother and sister will stay at her grandmother’s.

Emmas rucksack was verv heavy. Evcry time her mother went shopping, she came homo with something new lor the trip. Her d;ui had bought her a special pair ofsocks and her twelve-year-old

brother Tim had lent her his torch.'_Å‚t was her

fnvourite teddy. ‘I definitely cant tako the teddy," she thought, ‘but Id better not leli Rosie.'

At last it was two days before they set oflf. Dan had

packed and unpacked his rucksack three limes.4_

Then his mobile rang. It was Emma. and she was very upset.

‘My muim in hospital,’ she said, 'Shes had an accident. Shes broken her leg. ąuite badly. _

I dont think 1 can go to Madagascar.

Exam task

6 UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi. PrzyporzÄ…dkuj każdemu dialogowi odpowiedniÄ… osobÄ™, wpisujÄ…c litery a-d w kratki 1-3. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.

b Discuss these questions.

1    Have you ever been on an expedition? If yes. what was it like? If net. would you like to go?

2    What do people do on such expeditions? List your ideas.

Exam task


1    2    3

Emma is talking to

a)    her mother.

b) the expedition organiser

c)    her mother s doctor

d) her grandmother.

3 UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi. PrzyporzÄ…dkuj każdej wypowiedzi wÅ‚aÅ›ciwÄ… reakcjÄ™, wpisujÄ…c litery a-f w kratki 1-5. Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

lDC3“ sn

a)    I know, my bag s rea ly heavy.

b) Why don’t you get a Saturday job?

c)    If I were you. I d go on the Ramforest Discovery tour.

d) Thanks. that would be great.

e)    l'm scared of flying.

f)    You'd better go to hospital











Language Builder.


4 When the family are with Emma s grandmother. her father will

a)    watch football at the weekends

b) cook dinner every day.

c) only see them on Saturdays and Sundays

8a What is the solution to Emma s problem?

b First Ss work in groups to exchange their experiences and ideas. Then they present their answers to the class.

Exam task

9 3.41 When you play the recorded sentences the second time. you may stop after each one and elicit answers from Ss.

Answer key

1 c 2e 3a 4f 5b

«► Optional Extra

You could Ss to use their imagmation to write a blog from Emma in Madagascar. Set this task for homework and ask Ss to prepare their blogs on separate pieces of paper. They can use the Internet to research about Madagascar to make their details realistic. Then put up all the blogs on the classroom walls and let Ss read their friends’ blogs.

their Solutions and the whole class chooses the best one. b Ss try to predict how the story will end by presenting their ideas to the class.

Exam task


In this task type Ss have to match recorded dialogues with the correct person. Advise Ss to read the list of people and try to predict how the people may be different from each

6    3.39 While eliciting the answers, ask Ss about the words that helped them decide.

Answer key

1 b 2d 3a

7    3.40 Remind Ss to read the questions carefully before they listen.

Answer key

1 b 2 b 3 c 4 c


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