Mr F
olhcrs can heer you lalkjny about personal things Buf were t»eru to do an imporiam job, nof chat.
4 We're very Å‚ucky. I dont think we have any probtems a) al. Everyone works
wełl logether. I rnean we <ś help each other and. i were nof too tired. we have some nce corwsations in our free ume. I think wel al stay in contact when we get back to Earrtr
Małe pr e sen ter Nelo and wełcome to Spaca Speciaf. Today. Sarah
Andrews rs going lo tel us about space trauel. and one space 1raveler in partiaJar. Anousheh Ashah.
Female presenter A Russian man caJled Yuri Gagarin was the firsl man in
space. That was in Apnl 1961. Since ihen. iherehave been morę than 400 spece trave*ers and one ot them is Anousheh Ashan. m September 2006 she speni len days n spece. But Anousheh isnt an astronaut. She’s a bustoesswoman - a very successfui tx»nesswoman who has afways been inierested in space.
Anousheh is trom Iran buf she has lived in the USA sińce she was a teenegor She was one of the firsl 'space łounsls* - nch peopte who pay imflions ot dolars to travel with astronauta. Of oourse she d»dn't just sit back and enjoy the vłewwhio she was in space. She <Jd some sdenlifc e*penments, and in her free bme słw wrote a błog about het expenences. Her błog became qmle lamous; it receiyed rrxxe than50m4ion hitsfrom around thewohd ...
1 We're going to the dnema.
2 They cfcdnt pass their exams.
3 W was snowing!
4 I m not hungry
5 You look tired.
6 He tves In Pańs.
7 Tliey went borne eaHy.
8 She basn t been to London.
Exercise 6 CD2 Track 18
girl: Oh, are you readng about Ihose chddren who were tosl al sea? l’ve heard
about them. It‘s amanng that they swvived. I mean. how dto ttiey know whal lo do?
boy: It says here that everyt>ody from those isiands leams about the sea from an
earty aga. They teach very young ch**en how to $uviv8. l guess ifs part Of their life.
girl: And they swam so fart Am they aH maty strong s*4nrvmers?
boy: Wel. yes, they are, but Ute girl. Tama. is a better swimmer ihan the boys
She hetped them qu1e a lot. When they were kred. she swam bednd them and pushed them through the saa.
girl: And dkJ they reaiy have no water to dnnk?
boy: Wel. at f*st. they drank a iittte $ea water. They know 1 was bad for them.
but they were tocky because it dkto t make them il. Then when they got to the isiand them were coconuis.
girl: Did they dmb the tree to got them?
boy: No. they <*dn't. They lound them on the beech.
T ». / eon weer oc andT-sT s. rut L®
girl: Imagne whal it was ike. when their fal her kxnd them! Amazmg!
Exercise 6 CD2 Track 20
1 He can*t renwnber anythtog. He’s tost his memory.
2 Shes been on a dtet and shes tost a lot of we*ghl.
3 When Tm angry. I lose my temper.
4 Sorry f‘m late. I tost my way.
5 We płayed badty. and tost the mafch.
6 ł’m bored now. I’ve tost interest.
7 Where ar© they? l’ve tost s*ght of them.
Exercise 3 CD2 Track 21
1 A: Hełlo. Tm Wiał are you doiny here?
8: I need a book for my schód project but it isn*t in the itxary.
A: They don’t sel books here.
B: I know bul I can buy one orttoe.
A: You Rhotiid do rt al home H*s not safe to buy Online from pudfcc
2 A: Hefc>, Sophto. Can l sit here?
B: Yes. of course. HI just move my books and these <frty cups.
A: Are you studyłng? Youve been here a tang time*
B: Yes. They don‘t mtod how tong I sit here aft er l’ve ftotahed my dnnk and
their cakes are deioous!
3 A: Hi, vtosh. I dton’t think you fcked booksf
B: Hit Tm tooking for Information for my schooi protecl.
A: Wfty don‘1 you use the Internet?
B: I wi lator but I want to borrow thfe book firsl
A: My brothers got that He bought it from the bookshop iown, n was
reaiy expenave.
B: That’s why l'm borrowing not buymg it.
Exercise 7 CD2 Track 22
Jako: Why on oarth did you do I? You're good at hiskiry
Klrstie: I know It was my brotłter v<ho gave me the idea. He used to copy from websrtes aii the tme. i know it s wrong but lots of peopfe do it.
Jake: I don t think tots of peopte do H. Anyway, just because your brother
suggesled it doesn’1 mean ifs a good toea
Kirstie: I know. I feei bad about it now. What am I going to do? Whal if Mr Evans fnds out?
Jake: i‘ve got an idea
Kirstie: Whats tłiat?
Jake: Why don't you write ii again? You’ve sil got tonight and tomorrow to do
the work.
Kirstie: You don*t understand. I gaue it to Mr Evans this momng tt's too late
Jake: Uh oh. You*re in big trouble.
Kirstie: I hope not. Anyway. I don t think hel notice.
Jake: Don't be sosure about that. Maybe you shoiid tel him betom ho readsit
Mr Evans: Kirstie. can I see you for a minuta?
Y©« l’m ofra^ tt^o *° i’r» ^bcx ^ tt«sn’t
■* I « \ f / - 1 A m • I A m m Hi