Mr Evans: Kirstie:
Mr Evan
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Not SP of it. Sir.
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1âmnoftt- aĆenâ1 I?
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Reoorter v cooarai Jationsi The one isni!' m AMca. lhoof
wrih stroog wmd$ and heevy ran Whero dd you ra * *.
MÄ *-
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raornj woke up. tooked out ot Uh? windcw and $aw
Kirstie: Er .. yes, «tâ3 troe. I*m sorry. sr.
Mr Evans: You know ft*s wroog to copy trom tho Not Th« is part of your end of
year axaml
Kirstie: I know but lots ot peopie copy (rom the intamot.
Mr Evans: No. I dont think lots of peopie do it. lt's wrong. Kirstie. Ifs cbeating
And think about rt. II you just copy. you donât learn enythmg.
Kirstie: But how can I ftnd the Information I need if I don't use the Internet?
Ihcs boat. I couidnt teave my house.
Reporter: So this « ycxr Street? Are tlie peopie your neighbours?
Man: No. the man on ihe left is o toctrt polccnian and theother manis
a doctor who was there to help cMi peopie.
Mr Evans:
Mr Evans:
You can surf me Net lor Information but you mustni copy whde essays. Now. fcsten to me. II gwe you o chanoe lâm not gong to fal you but i want you to do the project agan arxJ give il to me at the bug«iwiy ol nexl week.
Yes. sir Thank you II gve ii to you first thing on Monday mgmr>g. Very wbI. Now go to the tbrary and make a start.
Reporter Can you toi us whats nappened f*re?
Man: Its been a temble day. Weâve used up o kA ol water bot I think
everyth»ng,s undor contro! now. It started because some teenagers had a barbecuc and some bum»ng wood fei on the ground. We have to be reoly careful. EverytNngâ$ so dry. One ogarette could start it al egain. buciory there was no wind so it moved cjiite slowĆy.
Ryan: i kke ihis »acket. Is rt madÄ of wod?
Mia: No. it isnâi. Actuaily. ifs madÄ of piastic
Ryan: Plustc?! Youre ioKir^g! I dcn t tx*eve you.
Mia: Ifs true. This one's mado of rocyded piasto bottles Look. there's a leaflet
here... It says you need twenty-five b«g piastic bottles to make one jacket ike thvs one.
Ryan: Howamazing!
Mia: Yes. and jackets arerâ1 the orty cĆothes that aro madÄ ot piastic aji ki nos
of other ctothes are. too. L#<e shtfts and trousers and pumper s and skirts. Oh. and Shoes
Ryan: Are they all madÄ of old piastic bottles?
Mia: Wei, not just bottles. They use dd piastic bags. too.
Ryan: Cool. So what bappens to all these ciot nos whon thoy*re thrown out? Are
they oottocted and thon madÄ tnto piasto bags and bottles agam?
Mia: Ho ha No. I dont th«ik so.
Woman: Nelo. and weĆcome to Geography Soundbite. thu proyramme which givos you brto-si7od nformation about the natura! world. Today,
Oscarâ5 gomg to td us about waterfaĆs.
Oscar: Thank you. Fena. We*, two ol the most famous waterfaJis in the world
are the Niagara Faiis. which are In North America, and the Vctorta Faiis, wrtch are in Alrtca. The VSctona FaJls are much b*ggor than the Ntegara Falis About 500 miion fctres o! water pour over the edge evory minutÄ. This gient waterfaii. which ta 1690 meires wide and morÄ than 100 metres deep.« known as âthe largest curtain of water m the woddâ.
Reporter lâve met lots ot pootographors but you re sightty dtfferent.
Man: Yes. Iâm a cĆrnate change photographer. I ve traueied al over the
wodd and. last year my photos of tho Afncan drought won several compotrrtons.
Reporter What can you td us?
Woman: Wel. we twd U»e wamings that it was com*»g two days ago. It hit
land at about 5 this moming The wind was so stroog that we lost most of the roof! Tbo wals are sHi siandmg but al the troes in my giircĆen are completely dostroyed. Tho vvrvd pushed one crf my nwytbours mto the nver and he aimost drov/T>edl
Reporter li s a tembte sigm.
Woman: Yoe. there are 50.000 men, women and chiidren here lookiny lorward
to gelt«>g some food and water bocause they have no thing. It hasnât rojned horo for two years. This used to be farmtand with forests and now rt*s skrwty tuming into a ctesert. Last y^r they sutfored a hunicdrw and now this. lt's awfiA
Presenter WeĆcome to Futuro Now. Today- we're gong to laik about holidays.
and we have here m the 3tudK> someone who works in the not»day industry. travet agent Peter Jackson. Thank you for Corning on to our progr<viviie this afternoon. Peter.
Peter it s a pĆeesure.
Presenter Te« me. what kjnd ol hoidays do you think wi be popular m ten or twenty yearsâ tme?
Peter Wol. I thrk fieopie wil want to have cheaper. greener holidays but sttfl vAth a tut ol luxury.
Presenter is that possrtDio?
Peter l think it will be. For e*ampĆe, they mighr Ike to slay n a muWe hole* room.
What on oarth is that?
Weil. rtâs a bir ike a caravan, i sifjpose. Mobile hotel rooms are luxury hotel rooms with a bedroom and a balhroom that are doiuored to your destutatiort
Presenter I donât understand. Why not jusi 90 to a hourt?
Peter Because you can stay m pteces where them arenY any hotete.
Places wĆiere you usuaty need a tent. tor exump*e.
Presenter And do theae mob*? hotel rooms aJraady e»st?
Peter Yes. some travel companies alroady dotrver them to musie fesuvals. I expecl rhai n the futurÄ they'1 dckver them to ranlorests. mountalns and even cteserts. But maybe not to the Antarchc. That