A lot of peopte ask me why l do this job. They say they woukJ never 9et up at (out o*ctock In the momteg ke l cło. But I enjoy rt. I B lei you why -1 flnish my work at lunch time! I ha*? every aftemoon free. and lhat'$ great. Another reason is it’$ łantashc exercise. ń keeps me reafy fit. if \ worked in an Office, I would be ove«wo»ght. i'm 3«jre. I atso meet lots ot peopte. and everyone «s frieodty. I supposo most peopłe tike gełtng letters! Peopie always smile and say heilo when they see me. ft*s great.
Of course. it‘s not ai good I don’1 atways enjoy lt. I wish l coiid stay in bed just a bit tooger - that wouid make a differenoe. And I wish it dWn't ram so much! It i$n’i much fun in bad weather. What etee? Sometimes peopte have roaty big dogs in their garctens. and theyre quite scary. I dont Mce that. Oh, and money. I wish they part us morę. We wortc reaiy hard, and we anen t paid enough.
Carotyn: Merto?
Rick: Carotyn? Hi, it's Rek. How*s it goteg?
Carotyn: Fine. thanks. I rood your btog. So. dkJ you enjoy camp this year?
Rick: Yes. rt was great. thanks. Maybe not as good as last yeers camp. but
good. ai the same.
Carotyn: What did you do at last years camp?
Rick: l leamt to surf. It was awesome.
Carotyn: Do you go to camp every year?
Rick: Yes. I’ve been to summer camp sińce l was e»ght years o Id! But the first
time, l omy stayed a week
Carotyn: So, at these camps, do you actuaHy camp? I mean, do you sleep in tents?
Rick: Wel. in quite a lot of camps you do. but not atways. J’ve never stept in
a tent. i year. when I was in Caftorrta. surtmg. we stayed n cdtogo rooms. The eludents we^e al on yacation. I shared a room wrth another guy. that was cod.
Carotyn: What about This yonr9
Rick: We stayed m a hostel. There were six of us in each room.
Carotyn: And how toog did you stay thene, in the hostel
Rick: Threeweeks.
Carolyn: It ecnnds fun. I d iove to do it. I*m gotng to flnd out about camps here intheUK
Rick: Good idea. I’ve got to go now. Nice tafciog to you. Carotyn.
Carotyn: OK, bye. Rick.
Narrator Story one
One night some thteves broke into an art galery and hid there. They warted a tong time. At about one o dock te the rnoming. the guard fel asteep. Then the thieves took some pamtings down from the wals and escaped through a wtedow. They were so quiet that the guard dkte t weke up. The petetmgs were never found.
Last yeer a bank in New York was robbed Witnesses desenbed the robber as an Overwerght man of about frfty-frwe years otd. Actualy he was much younger than that. and he was atso thin. Before he robbed the bank. he’d pul on a lot of extra ctothes so that he looked qute fal and he'd put make up on his face to look oW. The pdce never found hten.
Harry Jackson was bom in London in 1861. He was a buitder. but he was atso a charkną) - a burgłar. He probabły wasn’t a very good burglar because we know that the polce had caught hm morę Ihan orce. He was ateo very unlucky.
te 1901. the po)cc sturted coilecting the fngerprints of every crimtoa) they caught. One of the first peopte they caught was Harry Jackson, 90 his fingerprinis were in the polce necorda.
te 1902. Harry Jackson bur^ed a house. He <*dn*t stea) very much - in fact, me oniy thteg he look was a bal He wasn't caughi ot the time. but while he was cftmbteg through the window he touched some wet pant. He teft a very ctear fngerpnnt. and the polce took a photoyaph of rt.
The polce were abte to match the photoęynph of the ftngerprtm on the wirylow wrth Harry Jacksona ftegerprints in the polce records. i magmę how exot*>g it was tor the polce - and what bad tuck it was for Harry Jackson.
The My Istened to the fingerprint evłdence. and they deaded Harry was guity. He went to prison - for seven years.
1 There are lots of Ihem te our town but l’m not womed by them I car’t imagine anyone wants to watch me watking aiong the Street and doteg my shoppng. They re there to he*> the pofoe and normai peopte have nothng to wory about if they haven't done anything wrong.
2 This is a very sale place but there are sil lots of cameras. They re not Just for the polce though. Last week. my friend tost her bag in the shopping centro.
The security’ peopte ihem looked at metr camera <lm and saw her toav© >t te rhe cafó. We went beck there and there rt was. So thanks to the cameras. she got her bag back’
3 Some peopte say there are too many cameras. I say one «s too meny. V\hen I go outside. someone is watchteg me. They see where I go. They see who I meet. They see what I do. łfs wrong. I łeel »<e a cnmnał or a pnsooer. not a free man.
And here comes Rftchłe, he*s way ahead now. nobody can get post him now. he‘s neorty there, and ... yes, he‘$ passed the fiag. That*s it. Craag Ritchie has won. That'8 Crajg Ritchie. for Scotland.
Come on. oome on. remember what i told you. Keop your eye on the bal, run. run. keep up wrth them. pass the bal. that s I. shoot! GOAU Wel done - but don’t rełax. You havent won yet
Narrator Thmo
I realy enfoyed that match. it was so exdting! We were gotng to draw, but in the finał seconds Johrmy ran down the coun. jumped as Ngh as the basket and scored two points. With that, we won!
Narrator Story iwo
Lesson 12B You’d better go to hospital,
Exercise6 CD3 Track 33
Ryan: Helo
^ P< ty: R
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Some time ego. some burgters broke into a house whie the owners wem on holday. They took some food out of the fridge and cooked a nice meal. They looked jyhg^ęui^erds ćnd found scmgggJStakn,v,?$ ^ nowwn
at the kitchen tabte and en|oyed their dinner. When they had finished. they stote
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