Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 171

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 171

my grandparents bought in 1965. 6b 21 3e 4b Sc 6d

7 S/udonfS* CHvn answers



Exam sum mary i rwo 2 casuai 3 stxxi 4 mobie phones

5    ShKJents' own answors.

6    1 taw© 2 sheNes 3 lour 4 chair

3 Life experiences


1    2 do the wasftng-up 3 do rhe washing 4 vacuim 6 l<#y 6 do the ironing 7madeÅ‚hebeds 8 wash thecar

2    2 Have you ever won ony money? 3 l've/usf madÄ™ i. 4 Have you dooe your homework yef? 5 l’w okoocty eaten firve sandwrches. 6 I*ve newer heerd my dod sng. 7Have>ouj/sfrunal!heway7 8 We h*M*Yt bought cxx cnrcert t>cket3 yet.

3    2 Have you ever seen a film star in ihe Street? No, l've never seen a film siar.

3    Have you done your homework yet? Yes. Ive done it afready 4 Have you ever spent C500 on a T-shirt? No. l've never nad £500* 5 Have you ever read a ptay by Shakespeare? Yes. I ve raad Handel. 6 Have you ever had a hobday rob? Yes. I have.

4    2 hosnt pul the ftowers on the taWe yot. 3 has just/already choeen some musie.

4    nas alreedy met Ctore ai the sial>on. 5 nas just/aiready madÄ™ Kuch. 6 heven t eaten lunch yet. 7 haven‘t gorw/been to the dnema yet. 8 hasn't taken Clare to the starton yet. 9 hasn t done the washmg-up yet.


1 a 2 let*s hope 3 to have a row 4 to se* out 5 lo be supposed to 6 Typtoall 1 b 2 had a row 3 Lefs hope 4 Typical 5 supposed to 6 sold out





break up


ask someone


tali in tov<e

get married

get on wel

go out

have an argument

make up

3    2 asked 3 in tove 4 madÄ™ 5 engaged/mamed 6 break 7 make 8 manied 9dMxced 10 lei n tove

4    3 They Å‚oi out yestorday. 4 Have you mot anyone »nteresttog recentty? 5 They just gol engaged 6 Oid they get <*vorced in 2006? 7 They hawerYt agneed a datÄ™ lor ther weddng yet 8 We ddn t get on when we met.

5    3 Have (you and P<ete) broken up? 4 broke up 5 Have (you ever) faleÅ„ 6 tel 7 Have (you and Pedro) got 3asked 9 did (your parents) get I0havebeeo 11 chose 12 Have (they) bought

6    2 don*t know whal 3 Why don ! you 4 rmseraWe 5 What's the matter 6 bit worhed 7 Maybe (you) shoiid

7    2 have just met 3 came 4 asked 5 have spent 6 have already gone 7 had


Exam summary ib 2c 3a

1    1 T 2 F 3 T

2    1 F 2T 3F 4F 5T


Exam summary Sfi**7nr$’ own answers.

3    1b 2b 3a 4b 5c

4    1c 2b 3c 4c 5b


Exam summary t thank 2 Information 3 refusing

5    Sentenco 3

6    c

7    1a 2c 3c

4 In town


1 2f3c4j5h6d7b6a9g

3    2g) tum right 3d) go past the station 4e) go st/aighi on at the traffic bghts 5a) al the end oMhe road 6c)go left 7() opposfce the bank

4    2cross 3tumng 4 teft 5past 0teft 7atoog 8tnW 9opposrte I0nexi

5    2 Can you tel me the way 3 You can’t miss it 4 Thanks very much 5 Sorry to bother you but 6 How do I get there. ptease 7 You're weÅ‚come

6    2 Tum 3 down 4 tum 6 problem 6 Excuse 7 Where’s 8 way 9 rr*ss

7    1 chemist 2 supermarket 3 newsagent 4 park 5 station




Å‚etu heca <x Itottensto


» ikaft




» %| wLa ||

8 h«ven*t heard 9 havon't soen 10 had 11 haven t spoken 12 don’t know 13 wnte I4havejust wntten

2 daugtiter-n law 3 fiarce 4 hanctee 5 sistern-law 6 son-n-law 7 stepbrother dstepfather dstepmoÅ‚her lOstep&ster

2    2 son in-law 3 stepsister 4 stepbrothers 5 stepmother 6 stepfother 7 ftancće 8kano6 9 steter-n-law I0daughters4vtaw

3    2 who 3 whoee 4 where 5 that 6 which

4    2 Ttis is the dress that my stepsister wore al my party. 3 They ore Mr and Mrs DrakÄ™ whoee daughter merried my brother 4 Haue you met my stepbrother that l*m going on hobday witti? 5 Here s phone wÅ‚icti you leflatmy house. 6 Ttis is my best friend who ntroduced me to my fiencó.

5    3 There’s a cató near my schód    sets great smoothies. 4 Correct

5 Has she tokJ you wbieÅ‚i is the best book? 81 got a t8xt message from my coustn who iives in Australia. 7 The boy who asked her out is caled Pete.


Across s>xp motortMke tony von Down; tram moped tram scooter bus car taka ferry 2caravan 3 boat 4 coach 5 piane 6 underground 2c 3c 4a 5a

2 Tbe/re not oW enough to go in. 3 They‘re too tatÄ™ to get on the boat. 4He's tal enough to see. 5 The tickets are too expenswe to buy. 6 The law drt/ers know London wel enough to find any Street or bulding.






















| rfstAnre

IM* ~ wLj 7    gth 9 _peed .Ou^o



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