Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 172

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 172

* 5C



* * exf'

; 3a ~oy 8 Studonts' own aoswocs


2    2 Bo carolil Ihere ica on the ronds \octoty 31 want ir> ytsil al tlwÅ‚ alias in EuropÄ™ 4 fc the tood nic© in Spoin? 5 Can wa na\*> two gÅ‚asses of wstor. pteasc? 6 Therers lots of interest>ng iriormntion Ahout hears. 7 Mowo*en do you listen to mus*;?

3    2toomuch 3 not eoough 4 toomany 5not enough 6toomany 7 too much

4    2 «too much 3 aren t ©oough A are too many $ aron t enouÄ™fi 6 r$n t enougfi 7 s too much

5    1 Everyone 2 Nobudy 3 anyone 4 evcfywtKjre 5 onythmg 6 aomewhere


31 have rtvented lots ot drtferenl $a/xJwict>e$. 41 havxt bcco inyenting sand *

recÄ…x?s. O My broU kt Å‚*is (won cuoKirig alnce ho was Hve years okl. 7 My sisier ^^nos^Rowoat^^ngsRceSnua^^^^Sn^CTkSrt^gerahtes 9My sistef has ifced prawna sfoce she tned them n Portugal. 10 Have you ovnr mado a meal kx ten peopie? 11 Have you been making breacf?

3    2 chccsn 3 mant 4 btocuit 5 nut 6 apple 7 poa 8 salt 9 cafce 10 vineg^

4    2 roast a chckan 3 grat* somo cÅ‚v*esA 4 po«r srtnp p

bfryanegg 6peel anappłe 7 shce some hceari 8 gnłf sorno fonti 9sproad son*? butler

5    2 thanks 3 fancy 4 ptease 5 fd tove 6 Would 7 ihal 8 l»ke 9 No 10 on 11 Do 12 suro

7nowhere 8anywhere 9ewything lOsomething

6    2 anything 3 EveryonatxxÅ‚y 4 somewhem 5 euoryonetiody 6 soroowbore 7evnrything Bnothng 9 anywtwn 10 ovr>rywhcro

7    2 Fverywhere 3 too much 4 anybody 5 anywhere 6 not enough 7 Sometimes

8    somethrg 9 Somebody 10 somewhene 11 no one


1    2c 3e 4a 5b

2    2a 3b 4e Sd

3    1F2F3T 4T5F8F 7T

4    1 tounsts 2 ttmgs Ihey can do 3 woni

5    ib 2a 3a 4c $a 6a

6    and 7 Stuckffts' own answers.

5 Now and then


1    2 do 3 mÄ…ko A do 5 do 6 Make 7 do 8 do

2    3 make 4 madÄ™ 5 are making 6 Did (you) do 7 havedone Bhasmade

9    am dong 10 makes 11 madÄ™

3    2 Her lamty has ived in London for three months. 3 My cousns have been noro lor a wook. 4 Hav© you spokon to Mia stnco last week? 5 They have been on the hi* sÅ›ncc Iwo oYJock 8 Mia hasnt lookod at hor srioncc book for two days. 7 Poty has fc/ed h London sinoo she was a baby. 8 hasn’t watched basebal $*nce she came to the UK.

4    2 There have been bndges across ihe ftve< Thames $4ko Uh? first eentury. The<e have been bÅ„dges across the River Thames for two thousand years.

3 Beefenters have guarded the king or oueen smce the I400s. BeeteaÅ›ers have guarded the king or queen for six centuries. 4 The Brilish Royal family have lved at Buckogham PaÅ‚ace lor nearty two hundred years. The Brilish Royal famty have tweo at Buckingham PaÅ‚ace s*ku 1837. 5 There has been an uxJeryound n London siÅ„ce 18C3. There l>as been an underground in London lor morÄ™ than 140 years. 0 The oew WernbÅ‚ey stadium 1*as been open sr»ce 2007. The ncw WembÅ‚uy Stadium hos been open for a tew yeers.

5    2 have tind 3 have worked 4 make 5 do 6 haven’t done 7 have madÄ™ 8 dont drink 9 haoortt hkod


1    2 taking H in turr^s 3 wuth <Å› UHs trouWe 4 non-stop s stuff

2a 2d 3o 4c 5a

2b 2 look up 3 look forward to 4 looked for 5 look ai 6 Lock after

3    2 Thoy hoven't been spenkr^g tor two dny<LThoy haven'l been speakmg stnce wednesday. 3 They*ve been wntchi^g TV for thrty mrtutes. They've been wotching TV <anca half pest Ac. 4 The hahy h» h«en Crying for eges The baby hos been crying smce guarter past one. 5 He’s been swmmmg for fody-five mfoutos. Ho’s boon swimrrHng siÅ„ce quarter past three. 6 She hasn't been njnnng for five weeks. She hasn't been ruming srce June.

4    2 have been wailng 3 have been isterw^g 4 boei^ chiftling 5 hove (you) been oaliny 8 hawe been 1ock*>g atter 7 lwvu been rnaking 8 hover’t been washtig 9 have beun ustng 10 have been tryng

5    2 have been sJeeprg 3 haven’t been eatNX| 4 tiaven’t been doing 5 hav© been lookingky 6 Å‚iarye been ksteiing 7 havebeen pl>oiMig 8 have been wdIikj

6    Stuctonts' own answars.

7    2 hawm r (you) dnno 3 hauo loft 4 havo been taMng 5 hasn*t been workjng bhasocoken 7haswantod

8    Siudents' owt) answers.



Exam summary Sf/>dnnfs*otvnansHKys

1    3

2    id 2b    3a 4e


Exam summary Stucfeors' own ^iswers.

3    ib 2a    3c

4    1c 2a    3b 4e


Exam summary Sfue^tfs’own answers.

5    id 2a    3b

6    te 2e    3b 4d

6 Memories


1    2 Did poopto r*$e to have por sonat computers? 3 Peopie chdni u$e to go snowboording. 4 Mobie phones used to be very tDig 5 How much d»d a Computer use to cost? 6 Cameras u$ed to use film

2    2 ArtÅ‚y d»drVl use to wuar rnake-up. 3 Ttnjy used to pÅ‚ay with toys. 4They dkint use to have mcsbile phones. 5 The* parents used to ndo txyckx.. 6Thoir parents use to have a car. 7 They usod to got on wtth oach ottw. 8They cfcdn*t use to argue with each ot hor

2 Did Amy use to have short hajr?


3 Oid there use to be a Irce in Uh? garden?

No, there dtini.

4 Dxl he use to have a bicycłe?

Yes. he dkl

5 Od She use to wear jeans?

No. she d*dn'r.

6 Did their parents use lo have a cer?

No. they dfon’1.

4    2e 3b 4a M

5    2Have you? 30onTyou? 4 Odnlthey? 50d1te? 6Cantyou? 7lshe? 8 Werethey? 9 WerenT tliey? iOHasn*t sÅ‚ie?

6    3Odntshe? 5Howfurrty! 8Chyes? 9ReaÅ‚y? U Why?

7    Possibk? answer:

C: My parents were angry last mght.

O: Oh yes? Why?

C: My brother came home very lale.


8    3 Did he? 4 use to weer 5 dkln t use to wear 6 used to heve 7 Did she? Susedtoiwe 9Hasn’t she? lOCouidt?


1    2 Irp 3dive 4    5 fol 6 slip

2    2 jimp 3 Run 4 Ove 5 Swim 6 f\i 7 push



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