Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 174

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 174

# i •




att€ s a 48 i gfn w

8 Holi< a i«


6    2t) 3g ' “« Gd 7a

* 8    A \

9 Reporting



1 1c 2i 3a 4e 5b 6d

2    2 hosteÅ‚ 3 oottage 4 B & 8 6 $efl*catenng (lal 6 caravan 7 motorhome 8 tern

3    2 hotd 3 fiÅ‚rtwthe 4 yoÅ‚teyhai 5 shoppÅ‚ng 6 sightseeing 7 go (to ihe) beach

4    2 mght ndgel 3 m»ght not see 4 may ba 5 might ask 6 may not have

5    2a 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8a

6    2 HoWays may/miÄ™jit not be moro expen$*ve. 3 Peopie w* try to take greener liotKiays. 4 Touróts rnayAwght fly less. 3 Space travei wcn*t become morÄ™ commun 6 Beadi hokdays mayAraghl be ies$ popular. 7 Hotels may/nnght not be smalter. 8 Peopie rnay/mighl u$e ihe Internet lor virtual hofctays.

7a 2 tent 3 cłmbing 4 swimmłng 5 motrttan biking

7b Possfcie answer Ofcver »s gong to Lanzarotte for Ns hoWay. He is gdng to stay in a seÅ‚t-catenng Pat. Wbile he is away. he may go windsurtmg, ho won't go sightseeing but he wffl go swmmmg


1    2 pouring down 3 So witaÅ‚? 4 lt’s ijupposed to be 5 try out 6 and stuff 7 RtCoist*

2    2 unÅ‚ess 311445461(7 iriess

3    2 VAwn Ben    we l go tor a wa*. 3 Ursuia wi go IreWung wÅ‚wn $he

gets some wafcing boots. 4 We're gotng home as soon as tl® adventune course fmshes 5 As soon as Kath and tan haveaaten lunch lhey‘H eaplore ttie country***?

4    2 UnÅ‚ess 3II 4 As soon a&When 5 intess 611 7 Whe<V As soon os 6 os soon as/when 9 UnÅ‚ess

5    2 Welcampfl wegetotent. 3 It wc don t get a tent. vw?*ll sÅ‚wp odside. 411 buy the tcfcds as soon 3£/wben they go on sale. 5 UnÅ‚ess one ot our parents drkee i*. we*l go by bus C My mum woot drrve us untess we pay tor tt® potroi 7 UrWofts vmo mÄ…ko a deeisiort. we wrvVt go anyv;here 8 When we get to the nu*uc fosi*/ai, wol buy some food




unattraciive unoomtonable unftt unfriendy unhappy unheelthy uniritcrusting unkind unlikeÅ‚y unnecessary unpleasam unpopular untidy unusual







7    2a 3c 4c Sa 6c /b 8a 9c

8    2d 3e 4( 5b 6a


1    21 haven*t heord fmm you for a whie. 3 I hope you wnte back soon. 4 See you soon. SPwegottogonow. 6 n wasgront to ho3r trom you. 7 That’$ alf for now. 8 Sony I haven't wntten sooner. 9 Thorks a lot for your last letter. IOWfch best wishes. 11 How aro you?

2    2g 31 4c 5a 6b 7d

3    Sfudenrs' own answf*s.

4    2 Oon’t worry 3 Make SurÄ™ 4 won t torget 5 Don*t torget 6 promise 7 WouÅ‚d you Hkc me 8 That wotJd be great 9 ShoJd 10 There‘s no need 11 H you ®<e 12 wont

5    Sfucfcnfs’ own answers.

6    Stucfents'own ansH&s.

7    Sfudeors' own answers.


1    Abookcover 6 poster C Woy

2    la 2b 3b

3    ic 2a 3d 4b

4    1F2T3F4T5F6DK7DK8F9T

5    1 luture 2 is 3 wants 4 Some 5 had 6 teocher

2    The artide toW the naoders to look lor apaceships. 3 The doctor toW her not to bebeve the totsox story. 4 I oekod my brother not lo Inek onyone. 5 She askecl me lor a teft-handed burger. 6 The ortfcÅ‚e toW poopÅ‚e not lo iravet m UFOs.

7 The reaoers asked them to exptom the joke.

2    2 Den wked his mum to drfv« hm to schód. Mum told Den not to be lary,

3    The teacher toki Kety not to fbrgel her homework. Kelty asked the teacher to grve her an extra day. 4 G*na s dad lotó her to KÅ‚y her oeckoom GinÄ… asked lier ctid rf he could tet Tessa to do rt. 5 The polce olftcer toid liÅ›ni nol to pa* outside tlie schód gates. Mr Carter asked her il she coukl gwe him two minutes 0 June‘s murn toW ter to buy some n^k. Jane asked lier for some money.



cd our

od gin



























4    2 Ptease don t wear thot /ckt^hIo. okl. browt? gickel 3 She bougN o buuuMul. Wue. Chsnas©. s4k dross 4 Dk* you soe thut amozing. t*g. green bird? 5 He atways weera a long. bÅ‚ock, ttolan sweater. 6 We al sot ot a long, motaÅ‚ labie outsido the restairant.

5    2 beautrful. old. Italan 3 smal, Chmese. peper 4 long. SparÅ›sh. woolen 5 big. brown. Austraban

6    2 trom the cold. ckirk Antnmtic wtdor 3 a famoi*» Bnttsl^ autor 4 horrible, cdd woether 5 warm, green 6 The director ot the Mm 7 rt was amazrng

8 tesr-inatng 5ihnrt


1    2 toW 3 sard 4 toW 5 sard 6 asked

2    2 that tle półce wcrc looking for a lat rnan. 3 ttad scen iwo womun ki a car.

4    that the półce artist had l^ked to the wrtness. 5 IÅ‚^at U® peture wouÅ‚d heÅ‚p the półce. 6 coidhT draw a pÅ‚eture wilhout help Irom a wriness.

3    2ivoin 31gothome 4canromnmhnr 5hoardanonormoustxmg 6didn*t krów what 7 Ooked out o< 8 can't descÅ„be 9 it was too horrible 10 hawen‘1 11 w4l stay with my sisler

4    2 Don told hs parents that he wonted lo bc a puice ortist. 3 The reporter sad thot 4 wos a sonous crime 4 The wttnuss sad that the crininu! had o tattoo.

5    The polne sad that ii was o pmeteaÅ‚ fokÄ™. not a crime. 6 The woman sad thtó she had maÅ‚e ihree phone cala.

5    2 overv/aght 3 ponytal 4 centne partmg 5 fringe 6 scar 7 inh<$ $ixt®s

8skimy 9baM lOtiinlace 11 moustache 12longcurty beard 13tatioo

6    2 good4ookng 3 giasses 4 short 5 da* 6 scar 7 yoong 8 tai 9 pretly lOround lltarge 12 wsvy 13 pamng

7    2a 3a 4b 6b ba 7c 8a 9C

1    a 2 thal sort <A thing 3 iet's see 1b 2Let‘ssee 3 that son of thing

2    2b 3b 4a 56 6a 7b

3    2 wheh schód l went to. 3 41 M«ed my ochooÅ‚. 4 it she oould vts«t my cÅ‚assroom. 5 who my Engksh teecher was last year. 6 if l had ever been to Butan 7 Kl wouWstJdy English nexlyear. 8 who my te^ourke Enc^fen author was.

4    2 rs here 3 May l 4 Just a moment 5 ThÅ‚s is G CoukÅ‚ i soeak to 7 Pm afraid 8 takoamessage

5    SiurffmÅ‚s' own snswars.

6a 2 Thanks. Can you tai hm PD meet him outsde the enema at hałt past seven?



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