Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 181

Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 181







Unit 8









1 H ■ ad [•11 1iT?I» P-

1 The spece* Lunch Offor is avniabte Monday to Friday. 1 p m. to 3 p .... enfoy ły^Tf ?* >r> V ae*t W*"~VI~v    negifcarcustomers we

hu../' Jw-w    s-aru A3k «*tx~c ule «a-o .#ojp /ou make a reser/atcn.

2 We open at 10 o*cfock and cfose at 8 p.m. every day. The menu with phoes t$ avafcabte on our webpege (tafcanofood.co.uk. Every day we have a specśal ofiar diróg fonchtime. We ałso have drsoourrts for famibes and students.

3 You can book s tawe seven days a week at any time. You can cal us or u$e our website We wi then owe you some rłformation on our prtces. opening limes and spooai otfois. we meommend bookfog two days n acfcanoe because weYe usuaty very crowded. We’ra looking forward to seefog you m our restairant.

Track 9

1    Th® ono is a lot oasier than propanng a saład. You need very fettie limę to make it and very few fogradients. Just eggs. some m* and some flour. You stan by muang eggs wfth flour and mik. Then you meft some butler m a frying pan and pour the maturę on it. Do not stir the maturę! You can put some cheese or some marmaftade on the top it's a grnat breaktast cfcsh.

2    Accordinfl to thts rocfoe. you w* need onion, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese. beef and buns Afte< prepańng the meat. you have to gnił it for about half an hour. Then come me vegetabtes. you wash them carefuty, sfcce the tomatoes and you put them Inside the buns. Then you put the meat and a sfcce of cheese on top of ii. Tosty meaf. The Amencan style?

3    They*re ma»y an Itafcan spoc4al>ty. They Ye very tasty and whenever Im m UaJy.

I go to a cafo and order them. You need a lot of time to make them bul ri's weit worth the etlort. First you need to mełi some bulter and then you pour il mto a bowi You add sugar and mix those two ngrecfcenls togę mer. Then you add eggs, flour and nuts. You put the maturę mto the aven and bakę d for about at) txxjr.

4    i usuaty make * when I prepare bergers. I Ike eating something wrth vitanuns wrth my dmner. You need c*ve oi. beans. btack ofcves. carrots. cucumber. lettuce and lemon. Aft er you‘ve prepared it a few ifotes. it gets eas*er to make. You gmto Ihe cerrots, sJce the olves. chop the cucumber and mix it al togettwr wtth lottuco and beans. Then you prepare the sauce. You rmx lemon /uice with ihe ofcvo OH. You pour ii over fifteen mfouies before serving

Unit 6

Track 10

Conversatioo 1

GIRL: I tfunk somebody has slofon my teket. I reafy bought one.

MAN: Did you?

GIRL Yes. I swear. I*m not a cnrmnal I akvays buy tickets Somebody must havo lak en i out of my pocket while I was on the trafo

MAN: Are you sum youYe not invent«ng this?

Conversatlon 2

GIRL When I got off Ihe train about an hour ago, I nofcud that my walet and ID were mćss»ng

MAN: Oh. dear. Sorry to heur that. When you wero on the train. did you see anytNng suspiefotr.?

GIRL There was this man looking al my handbag afi the time.

MAN: Do you think you could idontity rwo It I showed you his picture?

Track 11


GIRL 1: What are you looking for?

GIRL 2: We'^ havmg a fancy dress party in schód this Saturday and I nocd to find something to wear

GIRL 1: And you vranl to find il here in Ihis box? Youli ody find our old swimmłng thr^gs.

GIRL 2: l*ve just spoken to mum in the kitchen and sne toki me to como down here. Pm realy doeporato Can you grve me a hand?


GIRL 1: Why don t we sit here?

GIRL 2: Good idea. We‘il be abfe to do our homework before we get there.

GIRL 1: Just make surę we don*t get ott at the wrong station.

GIRL 2: Don’t worry. i took a map from the garage this momfog.

| |łi :• ? "• ł rl w

ii swms they re turwing some prootoms.

I h«Ł*i Wtev «an $w»^ The boal «s o Mayo*4*e ^uuid g* som^ł* y. Cm/ ano a** w »n*n ovar there.


BOY: Have you got yotr rickets?

GIRL Don‘t you recogntse me? Pm n your Meratire ctass.

BOY:    Oh. yes. but the head tmcher toki me to chock nckots bofom l lot anybody m.

GIRL:    Look. I havon*t goi a duo vvłxyo IVe pul it. Jud lot mo in. OK?

Unit 7

Track 12

ELLEN:    Hey Calum. Cni dotng a quest»unnaire on the students' habits. Can

I ask you a few guestioos?


ELLEN:    Frsl quest>on: How do you get to schód?'.

CAL LU M: Weil. włien l wat yotinger, my mum used to lako n\o to schód w\ her car. We tved reafcy far from the schód, by the lakę. Then they started a new bus linę. so i used to travei by bus. But we have moved reocr>lly and now l fcvo gdy Mteen minutos from school. Theres a noe cyiJe path hutwoen the schód arJ my house, so Pm onvronmentaliy fhendfy now.

ELLEN:    OK Nr>xt <4i»ost»on ...

Track 13

ELLEN:    Next guestion for my questionnaine. 'What do you do with the leftover


CALLUM: I rareły leavo any food! Unfortunatdy l don t have a dog which codd eat me ieftovers. That would be the cheapest sotuton. We iive m a błock ot flals m the oiy centre. There «sn't a park near my house so we can t teod the lefiovors to drds. My grenddad. who has a b*g vogotabfo garden, cdiects al otr iefrover food once a week. So. <f l laave any. it «s madę foto composl for his gardan.

ELLEN:    That sa very greenanswer! Number threenow ...

What are you pians for nexl year, Julia?

I m storting umversity o* the end of Sepfember.

Aro you? Don't you wam to have a gap year first?

No. l don t want a gap year yet. I I go to inr/ersHy and then start my caraer. My pian is to work hard for ftve years. $ave lots of money and then go on a big trip orouod the world II enjoy >1 morę then.

Will you? Why do you tNnk that?

Wel. II be ofoer sollfoei mora confktent and PI hawe morę money. That s true. What about your fńends? Wtiat are they etany? Some of them are having ęap years bul a lot of os will have one when we re ołder Did you have a gap year?

Yes. I did. Frsl l dW an extra term at schcta because l had faied some of my exams. Then I had e*ght months to fil. I worked as a posrman for ihree months and then l <td vduntary work.

That sounds mteresting. What dd you do?

I workod in an adventuro hoiday centro for kids whose parents couidn'1 afford hofcdays. I enjoyed It and I foamed a lot about wortang with chfcrken. Thet s when i decided to be a teacher.

How long have you been a teacher for?

Twełve years! 111 have another gap year wtien Pm forty.

Unit 9

Track 15

MRS HUDSON: So, how d»d it go?

JO:    Weil, it was gifcte niee. They tofd me that an arnst woukl ta»<

to me. When $he sal nexi to me. she lołd me to rełax and (el her what i remembered. I to*d her that l had left my bke nght tn front of the schooi as usual I bekod it and went to class. Durng the ftrst break l looked out of the wfodcw and aaw a man rkling away on my tukę. So she asked me to desenbe hm to her.



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