UpŸat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 212

UpŸat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 212


TEST 1 ‱*; ? Jd<

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plete the programme types described.

Ot la t    HƁV

-A.    -.i

Oueslions asked to win prizes.







e) mów about A: I like this 0 cƂ*

Complete the dialogues with the numbered words and phrases.

Ɓ.n iii


et s g) keen on

Information about growing plants and flowers.. Factual programme about naturę, for example. Leam how to make new dishes for dinner._

Find out what's happening in the worfd today.

Score: /6

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

I'm nofkeen/fancy on documentary programmes.







6 7

Shall we watch/watching a film?

Cd like/rather to watch a quiz show.

Let’s watching/watch a documentary.

Do you fancy/want watching this sitcom?

I like watching garden shows/gardening programmes. This is an excellent chat show/chatting show Harvey doesnt agreeing/agree.

Score: n

it. 2_change channels?

B: l’m not 1 _

A: 3_changing after this”? It finishes soon.

B: OK. 4_watch a DVD.

A: Sorry, but 5_to watch something on TV.

B: OK, shall we watch 6_then? There's one about

polar bears,

A: OK. Sounds good.

h) Are you i) Let’s j) watching k) boring I) sounds m) Pd prefer

A: 7_watching a documentary?

B: No, documentaries are 8_. Pd rather watch

something light.

A. 9_watch a comedy.

B: Sorry but 10__to watch the news. It’s really


A: Do you fancy 11_a DVD later?

A: OK That 12_nice You can choose.

Score: /12


Total: 725

TEST 10C | Student B |

1    Complete the programme types described.

0    You laugh when you watch it. comedy

1    Watch athietics or football._

2    listen to rock or pop._

3    Serial drama about the lives of ordmary people._

4    Leam how to improve your garden._

5    Another w ord for movie._

6    Find out how to cook well._

Score: /6

2    Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0    Pm nofkeenTfancy on documentary programmes.

1    Lefs watch/watching a film.

2    Pd like/rather watch a quiz show.

3    Shall we watching/watch a documentary?

4    Why don’t/doesn’t we watch this sitcom?

5    I like watching soap shows/soap operas.

6    This is an excellent cooking/cookery programme.

7    Polly doesn’t like/liking films.

Score: R

3 Complete the dialogues with the numbered words and phrases.

a) rather b) sounds good c) pfegfamme d) seen e) about f) channel g) you fancy

A: I like this 0 cf.

B: Me too. li s really funny. Do 1_watching another

comedy later?

A: Pd 2_watch a film, I think.

B: What 3_Titanic?

A: l’ve 4_that. Lefs watch Matm 3.

B: OK. That 5_. What 6_is it on?

A: BBC 3.

h) on i) How about j) fancy k) we I) not keen on m) Shall we

A: 7_watching a documentary?

B: Pm 8_documentaries. Pd rather watch

something light.

A: 9_watch a comedy then?

B: I don’t reaJly 10_that. Why don’t 11_watch

a cartoon?

A: OK. There’s a cartoon_Channei4.

B: Great.

| Score: /12 ) [Total: /2s]

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