Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 219

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 219

Quick Tests Answer Key


1A (Student A)

1    i lafkative 2 duli 3 dshonest 4 rdaxed 5 bigheaded 6 ntelligent

2    1 doesn’t like 2 is buming 3 prefer 4 toves 5 smokes 6 '$ cooking

3    1 dont like 2 lravete 3 ive 4 needs 5 plays 6 don‘t understand

4    1 d) 2 g) 3 a) 4 c) 5 e) 6 h) 7 f)

1A (Student B)

1    1 cheerful 2 sociabÅ‚e 3 $en$itive 4 honest 5 patient 6 sensiWe

2    1 are playmg 2 wear 3 loves 4 live 5 spcaks 6 is practising

3    1 think 2 wears 3 are working 4 prefers 5 speaks

6    dont remember

4    1 h)2a)3g)4f)5d)6e)7c)

1B (Student A)

1    i b)2c)3f)4a)5e)6g)

2    1 What does ‘underground' mean? 2 Whose CD is that?

3 What sort of cake do you like? 4 What are you doing now?

5 Where are you gong? 6 What time does it open?

7    Why are you studying Enghsh?

3    1 f) 2 e) 3 a) 4 b) 5 c)

4    1 f)2e)3d)4a)5b)6h)7g)

1B (Student B)

1    1 a) 2 g) 3 f) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e)

2    1 How long does the tubÄ™ take? 2 Whose are tt^ese sboes?

3 Which stalion are Ihey going to? 4 Wf>y are you waiting?

5    Who do you want to see? 6 How much ts Ihal book?

7 Who is your tavourite singer?

3    t f)2e)3a)4b)5c)

4    t h)2b)3e)4d)5f)6g) 7a)

1C (Student A)

1    1 nurse 2 shop assistant 3 farmer 4 firefighter 5 joumalist

6    dentist

2    1 went 2 studied 3 was living 4 met 5 was studying 6 left 7 got

3    1 while 2 when 3 when 4 while 5 wben 6 while

4    1 Why were you askng a queslion? 2 How did she get to the party? 3 What were Ihey doing there? 4 Who dwj they ask?

5    Where were you going? 6 Who was she talking about?

1C (Student B)

1    1 musician 2 actor 3 eÅ‚ectnaan 4 receptionist 5 doctor 6 artist

2    1 studied 2 went 3 was studying 4 got 5 acted 6 met

7    was acting

3    1 When 2 while 3 when 4 While 5 when 6 when

4    1 Where were you sitting? 2 Why did she give him that card?

3 What was he talking about? 4 Where did they leave the preseot? 5 How did she travel to the party? 6 Who were you talkng to?


2A (Student A)

1    i fiute 2 trumpet 3 violin 4 guitar 5 celo

2    1 ycK/ll 2 He's going to 3 PI 4 She's going to 5 PM

6    He i$n’t going to

3    1 Do you think he l come? 2 Mary is going to be late. 3 Where are we going to live? 4 They won*t need to drrve here. 5 Susan i$n’t gong to walk home. 6 How much wil he eam a day?

7    They aren‘t going to win the rnatch.

4    i c) 2 f) 3 h) 4 d) 5 b) 6 g) 7 e)

2A (Student B)

1    1 drums 2 keyboard 3 $axopbone 4 piano 5 bass guitar

2    1 lt*s going to 2 won’t 3 Pil carry 4 is going to 5 We re going to

3    1 What wil you do aft er lunch? 2 Frank is going to help u$.

3 Why is $he going to do that? 4 They aren t gong to want breakfast. 5 Jack isnt going to pass the exam. 6 Who win ihey IK/e with? 7 We arenÅ‚t going to see them.

4    1e) 2d) 3b) 4g) 5c) 6h) 7f)

2B (Student A)

1    t Pm having lunch with my sister. 2 Are you going artywhere spebal? 3 We^ going to Harry'$ Pizza.

2    1 e) 2c) 3h) 4d) 5g) 6f) 7b)

3    /ei/3,4,6.8/ai/

4    1 g) 2b) 3f) 4h) 5a) 6d) 7e)

2B (Student B)

1    1 Pm playmg tennis with my brother. 2 Are you piaying smgÅ‚es or doubles? 3 We’re piaying singtes.

2    1 0 2to) 3g) 4h) 5c) 6e) 7d)

3    /ci/ 3t 5,6,7 /ai/1,2,4,8

4    1 b) 2 g) 3 a) 4 e) 5 d) 6 f) 7 h)

2C (Student A)

1    1 scary 2 awesome 3 fantastic 4 amusing 5 terrible 6 awful

2    1 morÄ™ frightening, most fnghtening 2 worse. worst 3 morÄ™ amazing. most amazng 4 morÄ™ amusing, most amusing

5    dulier. dullest 6 cheaper. cheapest

3    1 Fi$h i$ healthier than meat. 2 Football is less difficult than tennis. 3 Maths is the least interesting subject. 4 A car isnT as cheap as a bicyde. 5 They are the most amusing farrtfy. 6 This was the most excitmg firn 7 That was the duBest eveoing.

4    1 morÄ™ beautiful 2 cold 3 better 4 most attractive 5 morÄ™ interesting 6 friendlier

2C (Student B)

1    1 boring 2 briliant 3 excelent 4 sad 5 dreadful 6 fascnatmg

2    1 fumier. funniest 2 better, best 3 morÄ™ interesting. most interesting 4 morÄ™ exciting, most excitmg 5 sadder. saddest

6    morÄ™ comfortabÅ‚e. most comfortable

3    i Pizza is much nicer than pasta. 2 John is less attractive than James. 3 English is the best food. 4 Tennis isn’t as exciting as football 5 U was much better than I expected. 6 Beckham isn t as good as Ronaldo. 7 Sunday is the best day of Ihe week.

4    1 morÄ™ beautiful 2 difficult 3 easier 4 most important 5 morÄ™ useful 6 morÄ™ beautiful


3A (Student A)

1    1 e) 2b) 3a) 4c/g) 5c/g) 6f)

2    1 sat, sat 2 tost, tost 3 madÄ™, madÄ™ 4 ran, run 5 found, found 6 ate, eaten

3    1 They've already eaten their cSnnar. 2 Mother has just changed her job. 3 Have you finisbed work yet? 4 Has she ever met the children? 5 We've already madÄ™ a sal ad.

4    1 b) 2i) 3a) 4g) 5<) 6e) 7h) 8c)

3A (Student B)

1    1 b) 2f) 3g) 4e> 50 6a)

2    1 saw. seen 2 met, met 3 thought, thought 4 tiied, tried 5 spent, spent 6 said, sad

3    t We've just seen Mrs Smith. 2 Frank has already chosen his unwersity. 3 Have they answered the questton yet? 4 She’s just caUed the doctor. 51 haven't flmshed my book yet.

4    1 b) 2h) 31) 4g) 5e) 6f) 7c) 8a)

3B (Student A)

1    i e) 2 a) 3 b) 4 d)

2    1 She didn't find her phone yesterday. 2 Tom has just left the

â–  m u miii Mi    nayp yrii i    sppti m    f i iiyik an Ridm iwn

weeks ago. 5 We've already spoken today. 6 School started at



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