Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 221

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 221

3    1 How long has she been slicing onions? 2 They ve known each other siÅ„ce 2004.3 She*s been to that restaurant three times.

4 WeVe been preparing this meaJ for hours. 5 l’ve drunk two cups of tea today. 6 How many chocdates have you eaten?

4    1 e)2c}3f)4b)5d)

5C (Student B)

1    Meat and ftsh lamb. chicken, saimon Vegetabtes: mushrooms, carrots Other cnsps. olives. cake

2    1 slice 2 potatoes 3 Pour 4 spread 5 Chop 6 roast

3    1 How long has she been cooking dinner? 2 They ve been working together siÅ„ce 2004. 3 Sbe's seen that Hlm limes.

4    We’ve been sitting in this room for hours. 5 IVe eaten two kflos of strawberries. 6 How many books have you read?

4    1 d)2f)3e)4b)5c)


6A (Student A)

1    1 She used to work in the dty. 2 Oid they use to eat meat?

31 used to have a dog. 4 We didn’t use to płay cricket.

5    Did you U9e to study Italian? 6 He used to like traveing by train.

2    1 Was it? 2 Has it? 3 Are you? 4 Has he? 5 Were they? 6 Isn t she? 7 Did you?

3    1 Did he use to walk in his sleep? 2 They dtdn’1 use to like mushrooms. 3 She used to wear Wue. 4 Pierre used to hate geography. 5 Did your parents use to go to the cinema? 6 Our father used to read us Stones.

4    1 f) 2 a) 3 b> 4 c) 5 e) 6 g)

6A (Student B)

1    1 She used to sleep until midday. 2 Did they use to go there on hokclay? 31 used to ptay the piano. 4 We didn’t use to like tomatoes. 5 Did you use to have long hair? 6 He used to study at weekends.

2    1 Wasn*t it? 2 Has it? 3 Are you? 4 Has she? 5 Are they?

6    Aren‘t you? 7 Didn't she?

3    1 Did he use to siog m the shower? 2 The chikjren dÅ‚dn't use to get on well. 3 She used to visit the zoo. 4 Frank didn’t use to like musie. 5 Did your parents use to watch TV? 6 The teacher used to give homework.

4    1 a)2e)3c)4b)5g)6f)

6B (Student A)

1    1 dived 2 dimbing 3 sank 4 thp

2    1 was able to 2 was abte to 3 werent able to 4 were able to 5 were abte to 6 wasn’t abte to

3    1 could 2 oould 3 couldnT 4 could 5 couldnT

4    1 g)2a)3d)4f)5e)6b)

6B (Student B)

1    1 pushed 2 skpped 3 lift 4 jumped

2    1 was able to 2 wasn’t able to 3 Were, able to 4 were able to

5    were able to 6 were able to

3    1 could 2 could 3 ooukWt 4 could 5 couldnT

4    1 f) 2a) 3g) 4 d) 5e) 6b)

6C (Student A)

1    1 has Å‚ost weight 2 lose, way 3 have lost, matches

2    1 had lost, amved 2 hadnt ptayed, played 3 Had you dosed. left 4 hadn’t spoken, visited 5 was. had passed 6 had washed. looked

3    1 How long had she had them? 2 Theyd been together siÅ„ce 2004.3 She’d been to that restaurant before. 4 We’d prepared the meaJ. 5 Td drunk two cups of tea. 6 How many chocdates had she eaten?

4    1 had inviied 2 had cooked 3 sat down 4 had 5 hadn't amved

6    looked 7 had irwited

6C (Student B)

1    1 lost sight 2 loses, temper 3 has lost, memory

2    1 amved, had left 2 ched, had missed 3 Had you seen, bought

4    wasn'1, had cut 5 had eaten, <Sdn*t feel 6 came, had left

3    1 How long had she lived there'? 2 We’d worked together siÅ„ce 2004 3 She*d seen that film before. 4 He d lost his memory.

5    I d eaten two k4os of slrawbemes. 6 How many books had you read?

4    1 had arranged 2 had prepared 3 arÅ„ved 4 swilched on 5 hadn’t start ed 6 checked 7 had started


7A (Student A)

1    1 gotd 2 cotton 3 silk 4 fur 5 glass 6 cardboard

2    1 The skirt is madÄ™ of silk. 2 What s that dress madÄ™ of? 3 It isn*t madÄ™ of cotton. 4 The shop assistants are paid on Saturday.

5 Our shoes are madÄ™ of teather. 6 The chocotate <$ produced in Brazil.

3    1 (is) sold 2 are grown 3 picked 4 are dned 5 roasted 6 is ground 7 packed 8 is used

4    1 f>2c>3b)4e)5d)

7A (Student B)

1    1 wooÅ‚len/wooÅ‚ 2 sueóe 3 njbber 4 sih/er 5 leather 6 paper

2    1 The cbtlies are madÄ™ of cotton. 2 What'$ this jacket madÄ™ of? 3 Å‚t isnt madÄ™ of fur. 4 The workers are paid (n) cash.

5 Our paper is recycled. 6 The coffee is picked in summer

3    1 is consdered 2 is exported 3 is consumed 4 are grown

5    picked 6 are mixed 7 i$ packed 8 exported

4    1 O 2 e) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d)

7B (Student A)

1    1 The students were not grven books. 2 Where was the house built? 3 Who was the director nspired by? 4 The pasta was imported from Italy. 5 How much were the workers paid?

6    The Computer was used at weekends. 7 The fish was not eaten.

2    1 was opeoed 2 were employed 3 were g cven 4 were shown

5 werent included 6 were offered 7 were opened 8 was valued

3    1 d)2b)3f)4e)5c)6e>7c)8b)9a) lOd)

7B (Student B)

1    t The chitoren were given sweets. 2 When was the garage buit? 3 Who was your mother contacted by? 4 The cake was madÄ™ in Italy. 5 How long were they induded? 6 The library wasn t used at weekends. 7 My phone was stoten.

2    1 was opened 2 was decorated 3 were soW 4 were changed 5 weren‘t sold 6 were offered 7 were dosed 8 was opened

3    te) 2 f) 3 d) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e) 7 a) 8 d) 9 b) 10c)

7C (Student A)

1    1 bush 2 harbour 3 waterfali 4 Sea 5 coast 6 ocean

2    1 who 2 which 3 whose 4 where 5 who 6 wbich

3    1 My son is at university, where he studes French. 2 His fÅ„end. whose name was Mark, came to stay. 3 Ben enjoys maths, which is his favourite subject. 4 London is in England. which is in EuropÄ™. 5 Kay lives in Devon, where she works as a dentisl.

61 bought a cake. which was madÄ™ wrth cream.

4    1 where 2 which 3 who 4 whose 5 who 6 where 7 where

7C (Student B)

1    1 woods 2 stream 3 desert 4 mountab 5 valiey 6 river

2    1 which 2 where 3 which 4 who 5 where 6 whose

3    1 John ives in Detii, which is in India. 2 My father lrved on a farm. where he kept chckens. 3 Robert tumed off the musie, wheh he had heard before. 4 I was bom in Rochdale. where my mother lived. 5 This is Frank, whose son is at school with my son. 61 wrote a letter, which was pubtished in the newspaper.

4 1 who 2 who 3 which 4 whose 5 where 6 where 7 who


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