Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 222

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 222

nice. 3 Dad asked John to oome home earty. 4 We asked the children to come indoors. 5 Will asked Joe to buy him a

vou tael if vou won tha lottety?


8A (Student A)

1    1 fiat 2 tent 3 hostet 4 motorhome

2    /y vision, casual, unusual /// shock, inflation, sheHftsh, rubbish, tensÅ‚on

3    1 may/might not come 2 I help 3 m»ghl not have 4 will support

5    may/might play 6 may/might be 7 wil amve 8 might ran

4    1 II geÅ‚ up 2 may/might sleep 3 may/might make 4 may/might stop 5 won't be

8A (Student B)

1    t B&B 2 hotel 3 villa 4 caravan

2    /y leisure. pÅ‚easure, usually, measure /// shopping, fishing, sura, shower

3    1 may/might not caB 2 may/might not have 3 ’ll pass

4    may/might want 5 might/may give 6 may/might be 7 will cost 8 may/might not eat

4    1 may/might get 2 may/might do 3 w* be 4 won t go 5 II see 8B (Student A)

1    1 impatient 2 uncomfortabte 3 unfit 4 inexperienced 5 unkod/ unpÅ‚easant 6 un popular

2    1 if 2 unless 3 when 4 if 5 if 6 unless

3    1 If she drops the vase itll break. 2 Wil be come to the party if you *nvite him? 3 TÅ‚iey won’t help unless you pay. 4 I I write as soon as I get there. 5 We l make dinner when you visit.

6    If the story is interesting they’1 make a film.

4    1 h)2b)3d)4f)5a)6g)7e)

8B (Student B)

1    1 umnteresting 2 unkind^unploasant 3 unhappy 4 unnecessary

5    untdy 6 independent

2    1 if 2 unless 3 if 4 unless 5 as soon as 6 when

3    11f he hurts the children I II be angry. 2 Wil they leave if you ask them? 3 We woni pay unless you stop. 4 l'l cal as soon as I see him. 5 They’ll make a noise when they watch TV

6    tf the book is good l'l tel you.

4    1 g)2b)3d)4e)5a)6h)7f)

8C (Student A)

1    1 d)2e)3c)4b)5a)6h)7k)8i)9l)10D11 g)

2    i d) 2 g) 3 h) 4 e) 5 f) 6 b) 7 a) 8 o) 9 m) 10 n) 111) 12 k) 13 i) 14 j)

8C (Student B)

1    i d)2c)3b)4a)5e)6h)7i)8l)9k)1O0H g)

2    1 f)2b)3a)4e)5g)6h)7d)8l)9o)l0mH11) 12 j) 13k) 14 n)


9A (Student A)

1    1 long btack 2 targe yellow 3 long wooÅ‚len 4 httte green

5    red leather 6 pretty blue

2    1 Jutie asked him to phone her. 2 I asked Mum to boy me a book. 3 Dad asked John to tkfy his room. 4 We asked the children to play niceÅ‚y. 5 Wil asked Joe to lend him a pen.

6    The teacher asked her to grve in her homework.

3    1 Harry toÅ‚d the chidnen to come in. 2 June asked Kay to bring her a coffee. 3 The leacher toÅ‚d everyone to stand up.

4 My parents asked me to play the piano. 5 Guy asked FraÅ„ to pass him a tissue. 6 The pofccewoman toid the crimina) to get in the car. 7 The boss toÅ‚d his secretary to close the Windows.

4    1 uegetabÅ‚e 2 camera 3 interesting 4 complimentary 5 gardening 6 jewelery

9A (Student B)

1    t short brown 2 pink sik 3 Short cotton 4 large red 8 expen$rve goÅ‚d 6 old Swiss

2    1 Julie asked her to be quiet 21 asked Mum to cook something

3    1 Harry tdd the children to stop shouting. 2 June asked Kay to show her the room. 3 The teacher toÅ‚d everyone to sit down.

4 My parents asked me to sing a song. 5 Guy asked Jane to oper') the car. 6 The poÅ‚iceman toÅ‚d the criminal to come wrth him. 7 The boss told his secretary to go home.

4    1 comfortabÅ‚e 2 fcsfening 3 interested 4 natteoal 5 medicine 6 secretery

9B (Student A)

1    1 tattoo 2 oiwe 3 round 4 long 5 parting 6 teenage

2    1 She sari they were on hokday. 21 said Pd do it . 3 They saki they’d eaten it. 4 She said shed had a bath. 5 They said they could play the piano. 6 They said he cfcdn t play chess.

3    11 Nke animaÅ‚s. 21 lve with my mother. 31 donl have a job.

41 can swim very well. 5 ni show you my garden.

4    1 h)2b)3g)4f)5e)6a) 7d)

9B (Student B)

1    1 scar 2 ovef\ve*ght 3 skjnny 4 spiky 5 long 6 twenties

2    t He said they were in the bath. 21 said Pd help her/him.

3 He said they d changed the locks. 4 She sald she d had a headache. 5 They said they could speak Spanish. 6 They said they didnl Bke cheese

3    1 I lisze in a smali house. 2 My mother is il. 3 Pm wofkmg in a garage 41 want to be a doctor. 5 PB lend you some money.

4    1 g)2e)3a)4b)5h)6d)7f)

9C (Student A)

1    1 I asked it anyone was there. 2 They asked if he was mamed 3 She asked whal his favounte food was. 4 I asked where they Å‚Å‚ved. 5 He asked if they spoke Spanish. 6 We asked why they hadcaUed.

2    1 They asked us why we left. 2 She asked me if I knew the time. 3 Mum asked who my friend was. 4 Susan asked her why she didnl help. 51 asked Jane if she wanted to come. 6 Sam asked him where the school was.

3    1 b) 2 d) 3 c) 4 a) 5 e) 6 g) 7 f) 8 k) 9 j) 101) 11 n) 12 m) 13 i)

9C (Student B)

1    1 I asked it the teacher was busy. 2 They asked if they were in cÅ‚ass. 3 She asked what their favourtte coÅ‚our was. 4 Å‚ asked where he lrved. 5 He asked rf we had tickets. 6 He asked why I was angry,

2    1 They asked us where we lved. 2 He asked me if I lived here.

3    Mum asked where the book was. 4 Susan asked her why she was leaving. 51 asked John if he wanted some cake

6 Sam asked me wtiere my hal was.

3 1 b) 2 d) 3 a) 4 c) 5 e) 6 f) 7 k) 81) 9 m) 10 ty 110120 13 n)


10A (Student A)

1    1 shocked 2 boring 3 disapponled 4 worrymg 5 trightening 6 surprised 7 interesting 8 annoyed

2    1 What would they eat if they went to a restaurant? 2 Why wouÅ‚d she Å‚eave if she waÅ›ni late? 3 How would I lrve rf I lost my job?

4    If you bought a new bag. whal coÅ‚our would you choose? 5 If they didnl bring the work. would you pay them? 6 What would your dad say if you failed the exam? 7 Where would you go if you had a problem?

3    1 h) 2 f) 3 e/j) 4 d/k) 5 c) 6 g) 7 b)8 d/k) 9 010 e/D 10A (Student B)

1    1 amazing 2 embarrassed 3 exciting 4 annoying 5 interested 6 suqxising 7 disappointed 8 worried

2    1 Where would they go if they took a hdiday? 2 Why would he change if it waÅ›ni necessary? 3 How would you manage if you lost your job? 4 if you had a pet, what animal would you choose? 5 ff they didnl arriwe on time. would you cal them?

6 What would your mum do if you came home late?

1 h) 2 f> 3 e^) 4 d*) 5 c) 6 g) 7 b) 8 dA) 9 i) 10 e/f)


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