(4) What is thc output of medium size gasifier?
(a) 10-40 kW (b) 10-50 kW (c) 20-60 kW (d) 20-50 kW
(5) Give fuli name of KVIC.
(6) First zonę of gasifier is known as ___.
Que.3 |
(A) |
Write a short notę o |
n solar cookcr and solar water heater. OR |
Que.3 |
(A-I) |
Write a short notę o |
n dome & drum type biogas plant. |
(A-II) |
Write a short notę o |
n solar chimney Power Plant. |
Que.4 (A-I) (A-II)
Give the answer of following question. (Any three) [03]
What is thc output of medium size windmill?
(a) 1-5 kW (b) 2-50 kW (c) 2-100 kW (d) 2-150 kW
What is thc operating pressure of working fluid in closed cycle OTEC system?
(a) 15 kg/cm2 (b) lOkg/cm2 (c)5kg/cm2 (d) Nonę of these
Which parts is used in aeroturbines for proper operation?
(a) Pitch control (b) Yaw contro! (c) Both A & B (d) Nonę of these
Give fuli name ofDNES.
There are about_known thermal area in India.
Write a short notę wind mili and energy plantation. [14]
Write a brief notę on methods of utilization of tidal energy. [07]
Que.4 (B)
Give the answer of following qucstion. (Any three) [03]
How many % of C02 present in non-condensable gases of Geothermal energy?
(a) 50% (b) 60% (c) 70% (d) 80%
What is the overall efficicncy for power production in GTS?
(a) 10% (b) 15% (c)20% (d)25%
In vapour dominated system give temperaturę of GTS is_.
(a) 100°C (b) 200 °C (c) 300 °C (d) 10 °C
Givc filii name GTS.
A pil ot plant at_, in Ladakh is runs on Geothermal energy.
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