What is thc rclationship bcrwccn photosynthesis and cclluiar respiration?
Photosy n t hc s i s and cclluiar respiration arc important ccii cncrgy proccsscs. They arc connccted in \vavs that arc vital tor ihc survival of ałmost all ibrms of lite on carth. In this activity you will l«H>k at thesc two proccsscs ar thc cclluiar IcycI an<l cxplorc their intcrdcpcndcncc.
cnci^yCJliA + 60: -» 6C(). + 611;() + cncfgy (ATP)
l. Reterto Model 1.
d. In what celi organelle docs photosynthesis «>ccur?
b. What arc thrcc rcactants nccdcd for photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis and Respiration